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House training 10 month old dog


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That's the problem confining her she jumps dog gates and opens doors :/


---------- Post added 11-09-2015 at 11:36 ----------


She's been spayed hun x

This is just a guess because all there is to go on is what you say, but it sounds like your dog is quite anxious. If so, the house training is secondary to that.


It sounds as if you want to rectify the problem and have stopped shouting at her so that is a good start. For now (to protect your carpets) it would be best to keep her confined to the kitchen. Once those new carpets have the scent of urine she could start to mark in the same place.


Think about taking her to the vet to book her in for speying. At the same time, have a chat about the possibility of her having medication to take the edge off her anxiety. It needn't be for long - just enough for you to work with her. However, probably the best thing to do would be to get a good behaviourist in to see the dog. He or she will be able to offer specific advice to help you solve this problem.

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It sounds as if there is more to this than just the house training. Perhaps someone on here could recommend a behaviourist. Failing that, perhaps check out the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors. I just have a feeling that the house training issue is a manifestation of the dog's anxiety and that you need advice about management.


Deffo anxiety if my son goes out to play the doors have to be locked or she opens the door to run out to him and she's going crazy till he comes back I've her to bits but she's very naughty the door has to be locked at all times or she's out and can't contain her

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Bearing in mind her young age, you are going to have years of coping with this unless you put in some work and try to improve her behaviour. You really need someone who will work one to one with you both.


Thanks love think I'll get a behaviourist she's been amazing today had no accidents realy proud of her x

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I guess its too late for you to get your dog used to a crate. All out dogs have been given a crate as a bed so they can't wait to get in them as soon as they see them....even before they have been unfolded and put up.


Using the crate as a bed helped us to be able to take the dog on holiday in rented property. I wouldn't suggest you trying the crate again now, its sounds like you have your hands full. It sounds like you are making progress. Good luck, hope all goes well.

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I guess its too late for you to get your dog used to a crate. All out dogs have been given a crate as a bed so they can't wait to get in them as soon as they see them....even before they have been unfolded and put up.


Using the crate as a bed helped us to be able to take the dog on holiday in rented property. I wouldn't suggest you trying the crate again now, its sounds like you have your hands full. It sounds like you are making progress. Good luck, hope all goes well.


Hi hun she actualy loves her crate when I'm there it's when a leave and she's broke it to point of it making her bleed but got another today and am actualy going to try her in it at night to as of tonight so wish me luck they usualy come to bed with me but then she toilets anywhere at night usualy at front door x

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Yes, thats what I mean about the crate being their bed. Our last pup was super active and hardly rested or slept so we got a crate big enough for her to run round in as well as a bed. We needed to do this for her own safety but it made toilet training a little more difficult as she was happy to poop on one half and sleep on the other. :roll: We had to cover her crate at night to try and get her to sleep but the little bugger managed to pull the covers off most nights. She tried to get out but never managed to hurt herself trying to get out.


Good luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Narla has now been dry at least 4 days :) so proud of her changed all my door handles to round one so she's no longer an escape artist :) and front door constantly locked so can't run outside she also no longer has run of house so I can watch her exceptionally closer this has calmed her down and solved the house training issue :)

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