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Is It Time Schools Dropped School Uniforms?

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In the area where I live now is what would classed as a depraved area, many struggle with everyday bills. The cost of a school uniform for some is a real struggle is it time the idea of school uniforms to be dropped and replaced with a guidelines of acceptable dress? Surely its more important for the child to attended school and learn than how they are dressed. In most European countries schools have long abandoned the school uniform is it time for Britain to follow suit?


No, but it shouldn't be compulsory, children should be allowed to express their individuality whilst at school if it is the wish of the parent.

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No, but it shouldn't be compulsory, children should be allowed to express their individuality whilst at school if it is the wish of the parent.


Nonsense. Its about discipline.


There are rules set. Rules which must be obeyed. If the child and/or parent choose to flout such rules then action must be taken.


If the child/parent doesn't like such rule then they can sod off to another school with no such policy.


The CHOOSE to go to that school and they CHOOSE to abide by the terms.


"express their individuality" my foot.


Its setting the ground for their adult life. We are surrounded by rules and regulations and little Mrs Leopardhair will need to learn that.

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Nonsense. Its about discipline.


There are rules set. Rules which must be obeyed. If the child and/or parent choose to flout such rules then action must be taken.


If the child/parent doesn't like such rule then they can sod off to another school with no such policy.


The CHOOSE to go to that school and they CHOOSE to abide by the terms.


"express their individuality" my foot.


Its setting the ground for their adult life. We are surrounded by rules and regulations and little Mrs Leopardhair will need to learn that.



Can anyone read that without thinking of Herr Flick?

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Finished? :D


---------- Post added 07-09-2015 at 22:44 ----------


I very much doubt it mate.


How do you know as you have not stated what area it is.. So whereabouts are you talking about then we can compare?


---------- Post added 08-09-2015 at 19:41 ----------


No, but it shouldn't be compulsory, children should be allowed to express their individuality whilst at school if it is the wish of the parent.


And if it is the wish of the parent then is the child being individual? All I can see is another victim of a fashion craze.

Edited by apelike
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The CHOOSE to go to that school and they CHOOSE to abide by the terms.


"express their individuality" my foot.


Its setting the ground for their adult life. We are surrounded by rules and regulations and little Mrs Leopardhair will need to learn that.


They learn lots of rules from their parents. With more and more schools becoming academies, and the Hitler style policies around the dress code, there is very little choice in choosing a school.

It used to be just the Grammar schools with strict uniform policy.

They are trying to make all the children the same, times are changing, they are all different.

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They learn lots of rules from their parents. With more and more schools becoming academies, and the Hitler style policies around the dress code, there is very little choice in choosing a school.

It used to be just the Grammar schools with strict uniform policy.

They are trying to make all the children the same, times are changing, they are all different.


This spoilt brat isn't learning "rules" from their parents.


Break a known school policy, face the consequences and when it hits the fan, what does Mummy do. Go crying to the newspapers.


Yeah, that's wonderful upbringing that.


What is little Princess going to do when an employer turns round and tells he she cannot do something. Scream "breach of human rights"


You are right, times are changing. I believe Schools are becoming less strict. That's why were have kids who lack respect to their elders. Lazy and feckless teens who expect the world to be handed to them on a plate. Teachers and Parents who are scared stiff of saying or doing anything which might upset the precious child.


Its a joke.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Nonsense. Its about discipline.


There are rules set. Rules which must be obeyed. If the child and/or parent choose to flout such rules then action must be taken.


If the child/parent doesn't like such rule then they can sod off to another school with no such policy.

The CHOOSE to go to that school and they CHOOSE to abide by the terms.


"express their individuality" my foot.


Its setting the ground for their adult life. We are surrounded by rules and regulations and little Mrs Leopardhair will need to learn that.


Yes there are rules but the rules don't have to include what you can and can't wear, how to cut your hair, what makeup you can and can't wear. You can only choose if there is a choice, and for most children there isn't a choice between a school with uniform and one without.

Yes we are surrounded by rules but we still have choice, I can choose to work for an employer with a dress code or choose to work for one that allows me to wear what I want, school children don't have that choice, they are told to go to school and then told what to wear, and then people wonder why so many don't like school.


---------- Post added 08-09-2015 at 21:42 ----------


How do you know as you have not stated what area it is.. So whereabouts are you talking about then we can compare?


---------- Post added 08-09-2015 at 19:41 ----------



And if it is the wish of the parent then is the child being individual? All I can see is another victim of a fashion craze.


Most parents will allow their child to express their individuality but still give them some guidelines and rules.


---------- Post added 08-09-2015 at 21:44 ----------


This spoilt brat isn't learning "rules" from their parents.


Break a known school policy, face the consequences and when it hits the fan, what does Mummy do. Go crying to the newspapers.


Yeah, that's wonderful upbringing that.


What is little Princess going to do when an employer turns round and tells he she cannot do something. Scream "breach of human rights"


You are right, times are changing. I believe Schools are becoming less strict. That's why were have kids who lack respect to their elders. Lazy and feckless teens who expect the world to be handed to them on a plate. Teachers and Parents who are scared stiff of saying or doing anything which might upset the precious child.


Its a joke.


Go and work for a more thoughtful employer.

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...Yeah, that's wonderful upbringing that. ...

On the subject of parental responsibility and appropriate child-raising, I'll take a little tangent to mention an article I read today about a fourteen year old girl who referees at under-eights football matches. Apparently she's asked that the parents of the players kindly refrain from shouting abuse and swearing at her during the matches, as although she's got a thick skin it's getting a bit trying.


Adults. Shouting abuse at youngster referees at even-younger kids' football matches. Parenting fail beyond measure.

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They learn lots of rules from their parents. With more and more schools becoming academies, and the Hitler style policies around the dress code, there is very little choice in choosing a school.

It used to be just the Grammar schools with strict uniform policy.

They are trying to make all the children the same, times are changing, they are all different.


For god's sake!




Do they all? You mean rules like, 'if you don't like the rules, then cry human rights abuse?'


One of my colleagues is Jamaican born and he laughs at us UK people when we discuss things like this, and quite frankly I agree with him. It's embarrassing I find.


They learn lots of rules from their parents. With more and more schools becoming academies, and the Hitler style policies around the dress code, there is very little choice in choosing a school.


Hitler style policies?


bold: ah bless em :rolleyes:


They learn lots of rules from their parents.

It used to be just the Grammar schools with strict uniform policy.

They are trying to make all the children the same, times are changing, they are all different.


Grammar school children seemed to fair worse don't you think? :rolleyes:

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