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2 british terrorists killed by raf drones

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whoooo you are cheeky ,but i do like you:hihi:but I do find the problem with people like you is that you have thought yourself round into such tight circles that you're disappeared up your own rear end and lost any rational moral perspective:o


btw/ These two murders, rapists had declared themselves that they were no longer British and were citizens of the Caliphate and that they were enemies of democracy and of Britain. Only in the Loony Lefts' eyes is their rightful killing seen as unfair and unjust. I wonder if you're so vociferous in your condemnation of the murder, rape and slavery carried out by this scum against innocent Yazidi, Chritian and Sh'iite women and men.




Show me where I've condoned the actions of the two subjects that got themselves killed.


Oh wait - you can't.


Just another little impotent keyboard warrior. That's all you are. Run along.

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I've not said the strikes are illegal - quite the contrary.


I've said that I'm uneasy with the way the Govt is, probably quite legally proceeding. I do not think it is correct that a State can simply kill those citizens it finds are against it. That seems to be the top of a long and slippery slope.


---------- Post added 08-09-2015 at 16:41 ----------




have you any idea who these citizens are :huh:SIS belongs to an authoritarian belief system which surrounds itself on the notion of something greater than you (religion). That your whole existence is controlled. Different beliefs and ideas are suppressed. Individuals who think differently are silenced. ISIS emphasise an aggressive, controlling and suppressing sadistic version of Islam. Don't go to call of prayer? You will be lashed? Wife forgot to put her burka on? You will be punished for letting her forget it. Etc etc.

what ezactly are you uneasy about ffs:huh:


---------- Post added 08-09-2015 at 16:14 ----------




Show me where I've condoned the actions of the two subjects that got themselves killed.


Oh wait - you can't.


Just another little impotent keyboard warrior. That's all you are. Run along.


Why is there a debate about killing ISIS members? It's a no-brainer.


run along keyboard twit

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Since when have decisions made in parliament been the 'will of the people'...In theory yes...But we all know different. Oh, and 2 years is a sodding lifetime away. A lot has happened since then.


Apparently the AG was consulted on the legality and apparently there was. I'm not really interested in which point of law was involved.


Can you suggest a course of action? Or are you firmly in the 'have a stern word with them camp'?


The AG at the time said the war in Iraq was legal, turns out it wasn't years later...

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It is irrelevant if it was against Assad or not, the action in Iraq was agreed upon in parliament, this wasn't.


But to your question, the solution lies with the EU, the EU needs to authorise a task-force to clear substantial parts of Syria and create a safe-zone so we can stem the tide of refugees. It is slowly heading that way now but as usual the gears grind slowly.


If it is successful similar action should be taken in other countries that are unstable. Together we shall re-establish 'colonies' under UN rule, with the aim of providing the population with a safe and beneficial environment, these colonies will be the target of all the foreign aid and are aimed at creating civil and lawful societies, a wholly different model than our medieval forefathers used.



It is illegal to invade any sovereign state.

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Terrible. The UK got no mandate for strikes.


David Cameron has stated that the drone attacks which killed the two terrorists were acts of self defence . Why does the British Government need any other mandate ?

Edited by Gamston
typo error
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