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2 british terrorists killed by raf drones

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Hahaha! Is that it? Oh i do hope these two werent killed on the strength of that lol Mind you, youd still probably think it was a clean kill.


What's that? Confessions are not good enough for you? You should know perfectly well that there would have been serious levels of intelligence happening, most likely with UK special forces actually finding and then following him on the ground for days or weeks waiting for an opportunity to launch a strike. If you informed your ideas with a some casual reading beforehand you'd not say things that sounded so daft. ;)


To be honest I can't find the energy to worry about it being clean or inexplicably horrible and painful. The world's a rough place when you get out from behind your computer, especially when you wander around Syria with an AK47 and an ISIL flag.


---------- Post added 09-09-2015 at 10:38 ----------


Ah, fair enough. As the newspapers are saying that i guess it must be 100% accurate because we all know newspapers never l,,,, oh,, wait.

Aww, did diddums get a pasting from nasty Eric? Concentrate harder next time and I'll think about giving you a gold star for effort.


You can accuse the Guardian of a lot of things, but pro Tory government military tub thumping isn't one of them.

Edited by Eric Arthur
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What's that? Confessions are not good enough for you? You should know perfectly well that there would have been serious levels of intelligence happening, most likely with UK special forces actually finding and then following him on the ground for days or weeks waiting for an opportunity to launch a strike................


One mans terrorist and all that ;)

Id like to see the evidence for why these men needed to be killed.


---------- Post added 09-09-2015 at 10:41 ----------


Aww, did diddums get a pasting from nasty Eric?


Ah, and there we have it. You lose mate lol.

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One mans terrorist and all that ;)

Id like to see the evidence for why these men needed to be killed.


OMG you have hit an even lower low. You actually think ISIL are freedom fighters?


D'oh I've fallen for a troll again haven't I/ Why why why do I bite every time?

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One mans terrorist and all that ;)

Id like to see the evidence for why these men needed to be killed.


I don't believe we currently have an extradition treaty with Islamic State....Oooops...I forgot, they're not a state...Just a bunch of nutters who would like to be called a 'state'.

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OMG you have hit an even lower low. You actually think ISIL are freedom fighters?


No mate. Not me but many people do.


---------- Post added 09-09-2015 at 10:49 ----------



D'oh I've fallen for a troll again haven't I/ Why why why do I bite every time?


No mate. You havent been trolled by me


---------- Post added 09-09-2015 at 10:50 ----------


I don't believe we currently have an extradition treaty with Islamic State....Oooops...I forgot, they're not a state...Just a bunch of nutters who would like to be called a 'state'.


And this has what to do with killing Brits without a trial?

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And this has what to do with killing Brits without a trial?
The fact that, unless you're an ISIL recruit yourself, the chances of you getting close enough to these guys for arrest and rendition, never mind of you being able to keep breathing, are less than nil?


For once the message is really simple: you may be British, but that doesn't make you special; if you go and join ISIL, and if you actively foment plots aimed at the UK, you're going to end up headbutting a Hellfire just like any other ISIL recruit.


It needed to be done, as part and parcel of solving the problem of online grooming of domestic lone wolves. And if you're thinking of arguing these don't exist, Je Suis Charlie, Thalys, Sousse, Jewish Museum of Belgium...and you can wind your neck in.


There's really no need to overcomplicate matters beyond that.

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As for anyone else who questions whats going on.

Anyone remember a certain war some years ago?

WMDs, Gassing civis, Axis of evil?

Millions fell for that tripe and look how that all turned out. Many years later we find we were lied to. Lied to for profit, for oil and the war was illegal.

Yet some of you are more than happy to feed on the rubbish the Government spouts about this NEW terrible evil that is ISIS.

Dont worry though, in years to come the truth will hit the mainstream and then we can have a few inquires at the cost of millions, 'lessons will be learned' and then it will be onto the next illegal war.

And the industrial military complex will be laughing all the way to the bank as will the politicians who get us into this stuff in the first place and the oil companies who control them.


---------- Post added 09-09-2015 at 11:06 ----------


The fact that, unless you're an ISIL recruit yourself, the chances of you getting close enough to these guys for arrest and rendition, never mind of you being able to keep breathing, are less than nil?


For once the message is really simple: you may be British, but that doesn't make you special; if you go and join ISIL, and if you actively foment plots aimed at the UK, you're going to end up headbutting a Hellfire just like any other ISIL recruit.


It needed to be done, as part and parcel of solving the problem of online grooming of domestic lone wolves. And if you're thinking of arguing these don't exist, Je Suis Charlie, Thalys, Sousse, Jewish Museum of Belgium...and you can wind your neck in.


There's really no need to overcomplicate matters beyond that.

No, it shows 'We can kill you and we will if we want. As for evidence? We can always make that up later'

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As for anyone else who questions whats going on.

Anyone remember a certain war some years ago?

WMDs, Gassing civis, Axis of evil?

Millions fell for that tripe and look how that all turned out. Many years later we find we were lied to. Lied to for profit, for oil and the war was illegal.

Yet some of you are more than happy to feed on the rubbish the Government spouts about this NEW terrible evil that is ISIS.

Dont worry though, in years to come the truth will hit the mainstream and then we can have a few inquires at the cost of millions, 'lessons will be learned' and then it will be onto the next illegal war.

And the industrial military complex will be laughing all the way to the bank as will the politicians who get us into this stuff in the first place and the oil companies who control them.


Are you saying that ISIL doesn't exist and that there are no UK citizens going to join them and that the beheadings are fictitious and they aren't killing "civilians"? Genuine questions...

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Ive reported your post. As a moderator id expect you to have higher standards. Insults show not only the weakness of your argument but also the flaws in ones personality.

We wont converse again on this thread.


You're very welcome to report me. For a transgression that doesn't exist. You made a plainly silly statement, and I answered you! The inference being, you're 'not' dim and could easily understand what I was saying. Or is Ron Jeremy right?

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Are you saying that ISIL doesn't exist and that there are no UK citizens going to join them and that the beheadings are fictitious and they aren't killing "civilians"? Genuine questions...


Really? :hihi::hihi::hihi:

Ok then, No im not saying that.

Genuine answer :)

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