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2 british terrorists killed by raf drones

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There is a specific bit of law being used to justify this action, and it hinges on the immediate self defence of a country from an imminent attack, where no other means of stopping the attack exists.

I doubt that those conditions could be established to have existed with regards to these terrorists. For a start how can an attack be imminent when they have on small arms and are located on a different continent?


The people killed were clearly supporting and fighting for a murderous group and trying to push their madness in the UK... we've all seen the videos. It is enough for me to be comfortable with the decision to kill them without needing any more info on how advanced their plans were. If the government went looking for an excuse, then they found one and most people are happy to accept it.


I'm happy for all those we know are fighting abroad for an Islamist cause to be deemed a threat to national security and placed on a hit list. We need to stop them coming back and this is the best way.


My only concern is that this isn't used as an excuse to attack IS specifically. Taking out individuals when out on the open road or a discreat assaination is one thing but trying to take out an army hiding amongst civilians is another. We can't take on IS without killing innocent people and that will only drive more to their cause. Let the Muslim world deal with their problem and let us focus on dealing with ours.

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I doubt that those conditions could be established to have existed with regards to these terrorists. For a start how can an attack be imminent when they have on small arms and are located on a different continent?


You need to write to the AG then and tell him he's wrong...

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Not an 'if'.


A few large Russian-reg'd and -coloured Antonovs spotted yesterday and day before at Latakia, with 'odd boxes' carted out by crew members dressed in stripey Russian navy t-shirts. Who didn't fly back with the 'novs.

@ Obelix - there you go, independently verified:

Russian forces have begun participating in military operations in Syria in support of government troops, three Lebanese sources familiar with the political and military situation there said on Wednesday.




U.S. officials said Russia sent two tank landing ships and additional cargo aircraft to Syria in the past day or so and deployed a small number of naval infantry forces.

Edited by L00b
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isn't it odd how the same folk who are attacking the use of drones to take out war ciminals tend to be the same folk who condoned hezbollah firing rockets at random civilians in israel. it is hardly surprising that is finds it easy to radicalise british born muslims. it seem they are working on a large number of willing recruits.

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