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U turn by the tories.

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you can actually manage waste by compressing and sorting. Tins flattened etc...Keeps massive trucks off the rd, holding up other traffic and knocking off wing mirrors. A little extra work I know but all that can crushing by hand can give you man hands.



We are all mugs for allowing ourselves do the work of a private company for them for free.

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No i'm being accurate, i have a bin emptied every week.

The job gets done,it simply means i take a millisecond to seperate items.

Apart from idleness what is the benefit of emptying every bin every week?


Do most people actually want them emptying weekly, or just some of them?

We certainly don't "want it".


We have just about enough room in our black bin to last a fortnight, but it is the hygiene aspect. The other week I put my bin out and loads of maggots started crawling all over it from inside. I can only put it down to the warm weather, everything is bagged in there, and we didn't put anything untoward in there like rotting meat :gag:

And yes, I do recycle, anything that I can I put in the blue bin.

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In Spain they have DAILY bin collection. 364 days a year I believe. And their council tax is about 1/5 of ours. So clearly they must be doing something right.


There's a separate bin tax in spain. I forget what it's called. They also have an issue with heat there - food and bin knocking about for a few days would be an issue, so it is a priority.

The bins are not collected from the house either - you have to put them in the community bin area. If this is outside your house, it isn't great!!


In the same way that Sweden has a great deal of snow clearers at the ready in winter, because they know snow is going to be a problem.


We usually have neither problem.


---------- Post added 09-09-2015 at 11:55 ----------


"Basura" is the bin tax. Good old Google

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I voted tory simply on this one pledge....I feel sickened by this utter betrayal. Bins are over flowing, there's chaos in the street, life is not worth living anymore...


It's the last time I ever trust a politician. The scoundrels.


---------- Post added 09-09-2015 at 12:10 ----------


In Spain they have DAILY bin collection. 364 days a year I believe. And their council tax is about 1/5 of ours. So clearly they must be doing something right.


Spain are also broke....

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Returns to weekly collections were approved, but few councils took them up on it.


From Jan:


Tough talk on bins exposed as rubbish after NO councils sign up to £250million fund to restore weekly collections



So you can't blame the gov if that earmarked and unused money is now going elsewhere. The people to blame here are councils.

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