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U turn by the tories.

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Don't they also have crippling amounts of debt, poor job prospects and crazy amounts of corruption as well??


Not sure we should be modelling ourselves on Spain to be honest.


Depends, we could learn a lot from Marinelda. No police, very little crime, next to no unemployment, €1200/month jobs for all on the local community farm, decent housing at a cost of €15 per month that you end up owning.


Think of a Utopian Sheffield where the land is Chem1stalised so we all have an allotment, there is a massive council house building program and council house rents are reduced to but a fiver a week. Arguably a fiver a week would still be too expensive by a few pence, and naturally I'd be there to moan about it to my hearts content in t'thriving t'local pub and thus the housing crisis would be finally be classed as solved, even by me, although the inner pedant would have to argue for the further few pence per week rent reductions to ensure the cost of housing was truly just, but that is by the by.

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and on the other hand this is Tarragona, 100 kms south of Barcelona.


That is a weekly or more frequent 'burn-off' by BASF Chemicals, and also Repsol Oil refinery. Local estimates say it produces around 150,000 tons of carbon in the atmosphere every year, it also produces a LOT of sulphur, and it is easy to see that when there is no wind...the sky above is a deep yellow.


The press/local government are 'on side' over it, through not so subtle bribes.


oh and don't forget this:




A Spanish woman has been fined €800 (£570) under the country’s controversial new gagging law for posting a photograph of a police car parked illegally in a disabled bay.


The unnamed woman, a resident of Petrer in Alicante, south-east Spain, posted the photo on her Facebook page with the comment “Park where you bloody well please and you won’t even be fined”.

The police tracked her down within 48 hours and fined her


The Citizens Security Law, popularly known as the gagging law and which came into force on 1 July, prohibits “the unauthorised use of images of police officers that might jeopardise their or their family’s safety or that of protected facilities or police operations”.


Amnesty International condemned the law, saying that photographing police was vital in cases when excessive force had been used. Fines under this section of the law range from €600 to €30,000.

Fernando Portillo, a spokesman for the local police, said the officers had parked in the disabled bay because they had been called to deal with an incident of vandalism in a nearby park


Asked how the photo had put the police at risk, he said the officers felt the woman had impugned their honour by posting the picture and referred the incident to the town hall authorities. “We would have preferred a different solution but they have the legal right to impose the fine,” Portillo said.


Last month two couples in Córdoba were reportedly fined €300 each for consuming alcohol in a public place, although they claimed to have had only soft drinks and a pizza.

The gagging law also prohibits demonstrations in the vicinity of parliament or the senate, trying to prevent an eviction or actions of passive resistance such as sit-down protests in the street. Offenders face fines of up to €600,000.

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No i'm being accurate, i have a bin emptied every week.

The job gets done,it simply means i take a millisecond to seperate items.

Apart from idleness what is the benefit of emptying every bin every week?


Do most people actually want them emptying weekly, or just some of them?

We certainly don't "want it".


You must have a poor sense of smell if you haven't noticed how bad some peoples bins smell now compared to when the black bins were emptied once per week. So not smelling other peoples bins would be the benefit.


---------- Post added 09-09-2015 at 18:02 ----------


First I've heard of it, so I guess the answer to that is.... no.


Can't quite work this one out Vague Boy. Are you saying that no-one takes any notice of election manifestos ?

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You must have a poor sense of smell if you haven't noticed how bad some peoples bins smell now compared to when the black bins were emptied once per week. So not smelling other peoples bins would be the benefit.


I suppose its all down to how you manage your waste. In my block everyone uses black bags in bins in their house. When full they tie the bag up and throw it into the wheelie bin. Its sealed so there's no smell.

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