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Are people with disabilities normal?

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If you can use a computer you can work but there probably aren't enough opportunities to do so yet. Give it time and employers will catch up with technology and you'll be able to earn a fulfilling living.

Funny that for ten years of life I served Queen and country and seen action in Iraq. But yet struggle to find fulfilling employment ?

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Iain Duncan Smith today:


"I think the figure is now over 220,000, which I believe is the highest figure since records began, in proportionate terms, but the most important point is that we are looking to get that up to the level of normal, non-disabled people who are back in work. Those with disabilities have every right and every reason to expect exactly the same support into work that everybody else gets,”


Inferring that disabled people aren't normal, isn't perhaps the worst thing that Iain Duncan Smith has done in his controversial reign at the DWP, but I do think it is indicative of his discriminatory attitude. And reflects the complete lack of empathy shown by the DWP to jobseekers in general, and disabled people in particular under his reign.




The guardian are getting more and more irrelevant and tabloid. ...really who cares


---------- Post added 13-09-2015 at 17:01 ----------


There's no such thing as normal. Perhaps its abnormal to think there's such thing as normal. Normal is only according to that one person... In their own internal world.


One mans normality is another mans abnormality and vice versa. Also just because its defined in a dictionary doesn't mean to say its true. A dictionary is a bit "rule booky" and way too normal for me.


Today I think I'll pretend to be normal! I think not. :P


The correct term is non disabled...but we all know what IDS means...poor choice of word. Not a news story.

Edited by TJC1
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The guardian are getting more and more irrelevant and tabloid. ...really who cares


---------- Post added 13-09-2015 at 17:01 ----------



The correct term is non disabled...but we all know what IDS means...poor choice of word. Not a news story.


It's like 1984 speak. Non-disabled was made up by some daft "town hall" lefty committee somewhere.

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Inferring that disabled people aren't normal, isn't perhaps the worst thing that Iain Duncan Smith has done in his controversial reign at the DWP, but I do think it is indicative of his discriminatory attitude.
Yes especially since NORMAL is not a real word...... THERE IS NO NORM!!!!! -- Thats just a word made up by sheeple to try and justify something being OK or not... Complete rubbish and means nothing!
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