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God Save The Queen

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Queen Elizabeth ll has been the most terrific ambassador for the UK since Queen Victoria. Always taken the position and the job very seriously and a great credit to the country.

Unlike so many of the political class, she managed to always remain above the quagmire that many politicians wallowed in. Yes three cheers are due for the longest serving monarch in British history !


And above the quagmire of her children who befriended pedophiles by the bucket load.

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And above the quagmire of her children who befriended pedophiles by the bucket load.


.........................who will inherit the throne.


At least we can, and do, dump the Prime Minister at regular intervals. The American President is prevented by law in holding the position for more than 2 terms.

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Queen Elizabeth ll has been the most terrific ambassador for the UK since Queen Victoria. Always taken the position and the job very seriously and a great credit to the country.

Unlike so many of the political class, she managed to always remain above the quagmire that many politicians wallowed in. Yes three cheers are due for the longest serving monarch in British history !


Well said ....................


hip hip hooray

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Congratulations to Queen Elizabeth II for becoming the longest reigning British monarch .


"Three Cheers for Her Majesty the Queen"


I'm a subscribing republican (Republic) and my opinion of the royals is that they more than take advantage and the queen's offspring are generally useless, and not role models or inspring.

It seems very much a job anyone who has a reasonable standard of education could do. You certainly wouldn't need to be born into it.

Please enlighten me as to why you find them so awe inspiring withiout mentioning tourism (easily disproved) or resorting to insults as royalist often do when asked to quantify their views, thanks.


---------- Post added 10-09-2015 at 09:23 ----------


Queen Elizabeth ll has been the most terrific ambassador for the UK since Queen Victoria. Always taken the position and the job very seriously and a great credit to the country.

Unlike so many of the political class, she managed to always remain above the quagmire that many politicians wallowed in. Yes three cheers are due for the longest serving monarch in British history !


Think i give the three cheers a miss, thanks.

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I'm a subscribing republican (Republic) and my opinion of the royals is that they more than take advantage and the queen's offspring are generally useless, and not role models or inspring.

It seems very much a job anyone who has a reasonable standard of education could do. You certainly wouldn't need to be born into it.

Please enlighten me as to why you find them so awe inspiring withiout mentioning tourism (easily disproved) or resorting to insults as royalist often do when asked to quantify their views, thanks.


---------- Post added 10-09-2015 at 09:23 ----------






Why assume I am a royalist ?


Maybe anyone could do the job , but I don't think anyone could have done the job better than Queen Elizabeth II has done over the last 63 plus years .


hip hip hooray

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I'm a subscribing republican (Republic)
What's that got to do with it?


My national ID card says I'm a born republican, doesn't mean I have to hate royals (British or other) and guillotine titled heads off anytime I come near one. Nor does it prevent me from estimating your Queen as a person and a British dignitary.


Please name any British ambassador or dignitary, who has generated half the goodwill for the UK that she has, over half the period she has been doing it, and is held in just as much esteem by several generations? Feel free to extend the test globally to other nationalities if you wish.


No need to mention tourism or to insult you at all. A bit of objectivity suffice.


The British are lucky to have her.


...they could have ended up with the de Borbón or the Grimaldis instead :hihi:

Edited by L00b
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Queen Elizabeth ll has been the most terrific ambassador for the UK since Queen Victoria. Always taken the position and the job very seriously and a great credit to the country.

Unlike so many of the political class, she managed to always remain above the quagmire that many politicians wallowed in. Yes three cheers are due for the longest serving monarch in British history !


Victoria is a strange choice as an example of an ambassador.


Victoria made no visits to any of the countries she ruled (Canada, India etc) outside the United Kingdom.



Typical of the misty eyed and imaginative idea of the role of the monarchy in this country. She was born to the job and had no choice about the vast majority of what she did. The only thing we really know about her is that she likes corgi's and horses. Oh yes, and will do the bidding of any Prime Minister without any trace of her own opinion - cos she is not allowed to have one.


When 'The Palace' failed to show due respect about Diana's death by not flying the flag at half mast they were soon made aware of the public's opinion and changed their tune very quickly. Of course that couldn't have been anything to do with the Queen, she's only the head of the household and , well, the Queen dammit!

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Your opinion, backed up by no evidence whatsoever. I didn't say I wanted to chop their heads off but seeing as you are most likely referring to the French, in that case they seem justified in what they did, taking the ways of that time into consideration.

Neither did i say I hated them, just don't agree with them, and the fact that you are stuck with them whatever their behaviour, and the behaviour of this lot has been pretty bad at times.

I think you will find there is a substantial number of people questioning the concept of royalty, and don't feel any goodwill or hold in her in the same esteem as you apparently do.

I don't care what is says on my passport or yours, it is my choice to support Republic and would like to see the monarchy end when the current queen dies.

I DO feel embarrassed when the world look upon this country and see people living on the street whilst one family has huge state funded property and land on a wide scale.

I used the example of tourism (check the most visited attraction) and insults as this is what I am usually subjected to when taking a different view to your average royalist flag waver.


---------- Post added 10-09-2015 at 11:41 ----------


LooB, in answer to your question " What's that got to do with it?" when i describe myself as a subscibing republican. I was referring to the fact that i pay monthly to the Republic campaign movement to end royalty. If thats what your question means.

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Your opinion, backed up by no evidence whatsoever. <etc>
Pot. Kettle. Very dark shade of grey.

I DO feel embarrassed when the world look upon this country and see people living on the street whilst one family has huge state funded property and land on a wide scale.
LOL. You've not seen much of the world, and the gaping chasms between extremes of non-inherited wealth and poverty that exist elsewhere, then?


I suggest you take a passing look at Ghandi's legacy, and pay close attention to what you've not been shown about China and what you'll not be shown about Brazil around the time of next year's Olympics, before worrying about the image conveyed to the world by the UK homeless in Britain ;)

I used the example of tourism (check the most visited attraction) and insults as this is what I am usually subjected to when taking a different view to your average royalist flag waver.
Just to be clear, I'm anything but. Neither average, nor even a tiny little bit: she's not my Queen, I couldn't care less if British royalty ends with her.


It would be a shame for British socio-cultural values and the UK's image (notwithstanding your own unsupported opinion :P). But I'm not British, so again... not many f***s would be given by this poster ;)



LooB, in answer to your question " What's that got to do with it?" when i describe myself as a subscibing republican. I was referring to the fact that i pay monthly to the Republic campaign movement to end royalty. If thats what your question means.
Are you aware that the UK has long been considered a republican monarchy, and that there are many such republican monarchies (a.k.a. 'crowned republics') in existence besides the UK?


The concepts are not necessarily mutually-exclusive. Still, takes all sorts I suppose.

Edited by L00b
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