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God Save The Queen

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What's that got to do with it?


My national ID card says I'm a born republican, doesn't mean I have to hate royals (British or other) and guillotine titled heads off anytime I come near one. Nor does it prevent me from estimating your Queen as a person and a British dignitary.


Please name any British ambassador or dignitary, who has generated half the goodwill for the UK that she has, over half the period she has been doing it, and is held in just as much esteem by several generations? Feel free to extend the test globally to other nationalities if you wish.


No need to mention tourism or to insult you at all. A bit of objectivity suffice.


The British are lucky to have her.


...they could have ended up with the de Borbón or the Grimaldis instead :hihi:


Pot. Kettle. Very dark shade of grey.

LOL. You've not seen much of the world, and the gaping chasms between extremes of non-inherited wealth and poverty that exist elsewhere, then?

Just to be clear, I'm anything but. Neither average, nor even a tiny little bit: she's not my Queen, I couldn't care less if British royalty ends with her.


It would be a shame for British socio-cultural values and the UK's image (notwithstanding your own unsupported opinion :P). But I'm not British, so again... not many <REMOVED> would be given by this poster ;)


"You've not seen much of the world, and the gaping chasms between extremes of non-inherited wealth and poverty that exist elsewhere, then?"

I have actually, but that is also wrong and a different argument.


(notwithstanding your own unsupported opinion :P)

You really think i act alone? As you say you have no preference one way or the other just for your own information, why not check out the Republic website for our viewpoint. Graham Smith is a very good straightforward spokesperson and representative for Republic.

Edited by nikki-red
Masked swearing
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You really think i act alone?
Eh? :huh:


I really don't care. Good luck with the movement and all that, and if Graham Smith makes a good living out of it, more power to him :thumbsup:


I'm in here to try and balance the thread a bit, which is about celebrating 63 years of uninterrupted professional activity by your Queen.


Whether you 'want' her or not, whether you 'agree' with royalty or not, you can't take away from the achievement. I've asked you before: who's done even half as a good a dignitary job for the UK as her?

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I DO feel embarrassed when the world look upon this country and see people living on the street whilst one family has huge state funded property and land on a wide scale.



---------- Post added 10-09-2015 at 11:41 ----------





It's nearly 100 years since Russia abolished their monarchy . I wonder what the personal wealth is of Vladimir Putin ? Are the poor treated better in Russia than England ?

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I DO feel embarrassed when the world look upon this country and see people living on the street whilst one family has huge state funded property and land on a wide scale.


You DO realise that that bastion of republicanism the good old US of A can be described in exactly the same way? So not having a royal familiy does not remove or reduce homelessness

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The king in waiting gave a child abuser and Bishop, Peter Ball somewhere to live. Then Archbishop Carey tried to bully the CPS in to not following-up any fresh accusations of abuse. Remember Charlie was also best mates with Savile. Do you really want this man as your ruler?

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What's that got to do with it?


My national ID card says I'm a born republican, doesn't mean I have to hate royals (British or other) and guillotine titled heads off anytime I come near one. Nor does it prevent me from estimating your Queen as a person and a British dignitary.


Please name any British ambassador or dignitary, who has generated half the goodwill for the UK that she has, over half the period she has been doing it, and is held in just as much esteem by several generations? Feel free to extend the test globally to other nationalities if you wish.


No need to mention tourism or to insult you at all. A bit of objectivity suffice.


The British are lucky to have her.


...they could have ended up with the de Borbón or the Grimaldis instead :hihi:


this post merely confirms what I have always suspected. The French are dead jealous of the UK monarchy.


they must have seen, after London just beat Paris in the 2012 Olympic bid, how perfidious Albion then stage managed this massive Royal Wedding thing the year before, that drew massive worldwide audiences including counltess millions that had never even really heard of the UK, Britain, or England before. The monarchy really helps, to put the place on the map.


There is a danger of being quite a big country, but not a totally huge one, like Britain or France are and it is this : you are not so big, that everybody is reminded of you all the time. You need to show everybody, that you still exist. And that is where for the UK, the Royal Family comes in really handy with all that pageantry and royal wedding stuff. It sells really well even to people who have no automatic connection, to Britain at all. It's just a brilliant brand, the best royal brand in the world. By a mile.

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you can see God Save the Queen on the karaoke, but only rarely. I have never heard it sung, or seen it advertised, in England on karaoke. I sang God Save the Queen in Korea once on karaoke, Anarchy in the UK is much more likely to be on the karaoke than God Save the Queen is.

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