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My daughters school has banned crisps !!

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hear hear!!


I'm not sure what all the fuss is about TBH!


If parent's don't like the fact that their dumpy little darlings can't get calorie loaded confectionery during school time then they can ram the stuff down their throats at night time can't they! and then when the kid ends up overweight and struggles with what they eat then at least the parent can be blamed and not someone else!! Simple enough to me.


---------- Post added 10-09-2015 at 09:05 ----------





Some one with an bit of conman scene.

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You think that actually spelling things correctly is pedantry. God help you.


No, the simple fact you had to point it out showed you up. The fact you fell for it, is astonishing. I bet you fall for the "Gullible is written on the ceiling" trick all the time.


---------- Post added 23-09-2015 at 12:37 ----------


I never thought you were Berberis. There is an issue with childhood health and obesity but as I've said above do you honestly believe banning crisps will make a difference?


Personally, considering that children are spending 50%+ of their waking time in school Monday to Friday. Bad eating habits will take hold. Crisps are not only an unhealthy snack, they are also very damaging to children's teeth.

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Take your point re state control in other areas of mine and my families life but we do need to draw a line somewhere.
To my mind, that line is closer to the issues of CCTV- and now ANPR-everywhere, soon-to-be-mandatory-telematics, cross-integration of NHS databases with those of other governmental departments and -worse- private healthcare actors (particularly private health insurance providers) and, generally, anything which allows any old minion of the state or industry to paint a completely clear picture of who you are, where you are, who you're with, what you do and have done at any given moment of the day in near real-time.


That's Big Brother territory and it's dawning ever closer, slowly-slowly, little-by-little, following the boiling frog syndrome. That's worth drawing so wide and large a line, you could land a jumbo jet on it ;)


Banning crisps during schooltime, ain't.

Does anyone really think banning crisps in school is going to make any difference at all to the childhood obesity issue?
On its own, marginally/negligibly. In tandem with more or better PE and tuition about healthy nutrition (so that there is a synergistic and self-reinforcing message being learnt), now you're talking. Still looking up at fairly uphill road, but it's a start.



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