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Everyday sexism or harmless fun?


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Do you not think that being able to recognise people is useful in business?


Who said that was a photo that showed her as the most attractive?


She didn't comment on his appearance, so I think she can be sure that she wasn't guilty of similar actions.


Which convent did you come Its always been the guys place to comment or embrace the qualities of the opposite sex. This wasn't creepy in any way, just a fella embracing what his ideology of beauty was. I bet your lass had a blinding time when you first commented how efficient her typing skills were.

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Just watched an interview with female lawyer on Channel 4 News.


She has faced other sexism in the workplace - male colleagues putting their hands on her legs, requests for bikini photos when she was applying for work experience at a solicitors. Then of course there was the nastiness from journalists (Sarah Vine in the Mail) doing a hatchet job on her; to the horrendous trolling she has faced (which included gruesome death threats).

Nevertheless she remained clear that she did the right thing, and encouraged others not to put up with unacceptable behaviour. Good for her.

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Im afraid to say i dont believe the hand on knee and bikini picture stories.

This has been rolling along for a week and the first time she has mentioned it is today despite various twitter posts and media interviews!!!

It would have been her opening gambit in justifying her reaction to the linkedin comment.

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I noticed that its always the attractive feminists who complain about comments like this.... the rest of us are grateful for any crumb of compliment we get.


But that's not really true, is it?


It's usually the not-so-pretty ones who shout the loudest. . . remember when the Scum pilloried Clare Short for trying to stop Page 3?


I think you should stop making things up.

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Im afraid to say i dont believe the hand on knee and bikini picture stories.

This has been rolling along for a week and the first time she has mentioned it is today despite various twitter posts and media interviews!!!

It would have been her opening gambit in justifying her reaction to the linkedin comment.


I believe it.

The remark made by the man may have been the 'straw that broke the camel's back'. If after facing sexism on numerous occasions, she'd just had enough & felt the need to speak out.

I'm absolutely certain she's not only woman to have faced inappropriate behaviour in the workplace.

Perhaps what's given this story added edge is that she works in the legal profession, where I'm only guessing, people are expected to follow rules on social behaviour. And of course the horrible trolling that she's endured.

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If it was as you claim "the straw that broke the camels back" then the previous incidents would have been part of her defence of herself for taking the naming and shaming action she took.

For that reason i very much doubt its true.

Just trying to justify her actions now she has had time to formulate a defence, she is a lawyer after all, theyre not reknownd for their honesty you know.

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The woman involved in this was on Newsnight last night, for the most part she was like a robot, unemotional and monotone giving what seemed like prepared answers to expected questions.

It remains to be seen if she's going to regret it as she said she's received abuse on social media since. Or a cynic might say she could go on to be one of the celebrities who are famous for being famous like the Hamiltons, Jordan and fat Dee. It seems that shows like Big Brother and I'm a Celebrity are crying out for people like Katie Hopkins who is probably being paid much more for giving her opinions than she ever was for her business abilities.

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The monstering this young woman has received for daring to defend herself against an upper class Establishment figure is a cowardly demonstration of the decline of character and moral fibre in this country. At one time the average Brit would have taken the side of the underdog.

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