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Everyday sexism or harmless fun?


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Has your account been hijacked.


I'm sure I remember you not being a misogynistic argumentative **** all the time, but something seems to have changed.

I'm actually asking myself the same question, as it happens: I can't remember you ever resorting to personal insults. For your shame, C.


While I'm here, can I also ask: have you suffered a sense of humour bypass?


Can you be so wilfully argumentative on here, as to completely miss the deliberately ironic character of the small sentence in my original post?


Commiserations, if so :(

Edited by L00b
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The solution in the opening post is that women shouldn't post pictures of themselves. You can't make a much more victim blaming suggestion than that.


LinkedIn is for professional contact. If I got a message about my profile picture I'd think it odd. Having the advantage of being male, I'd just ignore it, but I can entirely see how a woman, having received this sort of communication often, would finally snap and decide to do something about it.


linkedin is for making contacts....she contacted him first.


On facebook I keep seeing the sexualisation of women by women themselves with these endless comment illiciting selfies. I place the blame squarely with them when they get comments.


Look at this particular woman's history and agenda, and how she has subsequently gone through every media channel out there to proclaim anti-sexism. It strikes of only one thing - #famewhore


she hasn't thought through her actions. Not considered the fall out and consequences in her bid of righteousness. An innocent man is victim.


I hope this man does not lose his career and reputation because of this idiot. And I hope the feminist movement is not damaged by her careless and self-aggrandising actions.

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Women shouldn't post pictures of themselves if they don't want men to comment inappropriately on them, is what you said.


Seriously... You have to ask why they put a professional picture of themselves on linkedIn, IF THEY DON'T WANT TO BE OBJECTIFIED. You really said that.

You think that posting a picture is an invitation for objectification.


absoutely in facebook's case.


In this case if you look at the picture and what the man said - it's clear it was a harmless comment.


Deserving of nothing more than a private response.


---------- Post added 10-09-2015 at 15:23 ----------


stupid , attention seeking woman


100%...........and I'm all for women's rights etc. But this idiot mugs off all women.

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As a woman! I think she handled the whole situation ridiculously. I have just been onto Facebook for a quick look at my time line and guess what! she's there!! and she is being ripped for what she did.. I have also seen some posts that are not very nice in regards to how she looks! and some posts really ARE sexist!


All she's done is make herself look a fool. I have no sympathy at all and she certainly doesn't speak on behalf of me as a fellow female.


If I was her, I'd spend more time worrying about how she is probably earning less than her male counterparts rather than being called stunning.


A very balanced and wise view. There is a level of vindictiveness to all of this which doesn't sit well.


---------- Post added 10-09-2015 at 15:26 ----------


I have to say the man's comment seemed creepy to me; her reply may have been too high horsey but he's a married man twice her age, he should know better.


so if she feels that, send a private message simply saying 'I find your comments inappropriate' - why publicly shame, distribute to media and grandstand about it?



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As a woman! I think she handled the whole situation ridiculously. I have just been onto Facebook for a quick look at my time line and guess what! she's there!! and she is being ripped for what she did.. I have also seen some posts that are not very nice in regards to how she looks! and some posts really ARE sexist!


All she's done is make herself look a fool. I have no sympathy at all and she certainly doesn't speak on behalf of me as a fellow female.


If I was her, I'd spend more time worrying about how she is probably earning less than her male counterparts rather than being called stunning.




Women are complicit in misogyny, too. you're not alone.

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I have to say the man's comment seemed creepy to me; her reply may have been too high horsey but he's a married man twice her age, he should know better.


Known better than to pass a complement?

Hell, He didnt rape the women, he didnt get sleazy, he didnt say she had cracking norks or anything like. He passed on a complement which does beg the question, Should he go to specsavers? :hihi:

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Yes, he didn't say anything sexually explicit to her. That doesn't stop it being inappropriate given that it's a business social platform.


---------- Post added 10-09-2015 at 15:11 ----------


You can't remember what you posted?



You, blaming victims. Right here.


Women shouldn't post pictures of themselves if they don't want men to comment inappropriately on them, is what you said.


Seriously... You have to ask why they put a professional picture of themselves on linkedIn, IF THEY DON'T WANT TO BE OBJECTIFIED. You really said that.

You think that posting a picture is an invitation for objectification.


what on earth was inappropriate?? he complimented her picture, it looks like it was professionally taken, he didnt say "cor look at those lips bet they are good for" etc etc ???? no he complimented a fairly pretty girl on her picture, god knows how someone can take offence or defend them when they do...really should get out more:roll:

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