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Everyday sexism or harmless fun?


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If LinkedIn is solely for business networking, why post a photograph in the first place?


If you choose to post a photograph, why do you use one that presents you as attractive as possible?


If you want to accuse some of behaving unacceptably, why not make sure that you are not guilty of similar actions, yourself?


Do you not think that being able to recognise people is useful in business?


Who said that was a photo that showed her as the most attractive?


She didn't comment on his appearance, so I think she can be sure that she wasn't guilty of similar actions.

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To put into context, here's the linkedin email in full:


Charlotte, delighted to connected, I appreciate this is probably horrendously politically incorrect but that is a stunning picture !!!" it read. "You definitely win the prize for the best Linked in (sic) picture I have ever seen. Always interest to understant (sic) people's skills and how we might work together. Alex."


(She has a professional photograph, this man is a fellow lawyer)


And this is her twitter sig:


#fearlessfeminist because rape, prostitution & pornography are problems of male dominance


Your "in full" email,missed a word out :hihi:

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Do you not think that being able to recognise people is useful in business?


Who said that was a photo that showed her as the most attractive?


She didn't comment on his appearance, so I think she can be sure that she wasn't guilty of similar actions.


But she did comment on his age. How very unprofessional of her to make an ageist comment on a professional site.


When all is said and done it's really quite a sad situation. Her stupidity will cost her her career. She's probably spent many, many years studying hard to get to where she was until recently in life, with a promising and we'll paid career ahead of her. And now what? Who will want to work with her after this overzealous and embarrassing episode? Very few I would imagine. She'll be viewed as a troublemaker, people would be walking on egg shells around her through fear of saying the wrong thing.

I think that now her professional career is done, the best she can hope for is to become a cheap celebrity or Feminist speaker at rallies etc. Silly, silly girl. Not that bright for a barrister is she?

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As a legal professional, she committed the cardinal sin of publishing private correspondence.


Without providing the recipient a right of reply or securing his permission.


When she had ample choice of alternatives, so much formal as informal, including formal complaints to the recipient's firm and to the SRA.


No mitigating circumstances whatsoever here, even if you happen to consider the recipient's message as sexist.


She exhibited a very poor level of judgement in all this. She'll be reaping what she's sown for a long time, professionally speaking. Rightly so.

Edited by L00b
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Do you not think that being able to recognise people is useful in business?


Who said that was a photo that showed her as the most attractive?


She didn't comment on his appearance, so I think she can be sure that she wasn't guilty of similar actions.


The daily mail posted screenshots where she commented on mens pictures...one saying 'oo la la' and the other saying 'hot stuff'.


double standards. Zero credibility.

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The daily mail posted screenshots where she commented on mens pictures...one saying 'oo la la' and the other saying 'hot stuff'.
Link here (before the usual suspects ask ;))


Publishing private correspondence and amoral dishonesty?

She'll be reaping what she's sown for a long time, professionally speaking.
Correct that: after this exposure of her clear double standards, she has no career left in the legal profession.
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Link here (before the usual suspects ask ;))


Publishing private correspondence and amoral dishonesty?

Correct that: after this exposure of her clear double standards, she has no career left in the legal profession.


Theres a rumour going round she contacted a number of random older men to prove a point. Honeytrap.


This whole stunt has really backfired...

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