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Banning protests in South Yorkshire?


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Wouldn't banning rival groups from protesting on the same day be a sensible thing to do?


It would solve some of the policing problems, trouble starts when two rival protests happen at the same time, the answer would seem to be to allow the EDL to march one day and then the UAF the next day and come down very hard on anyone not protesting peacefully.

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I would normally always support the right to protest


But only when you agree with what's being said eh?


. They quote a £4million cost to policing these recent protests


Price of democracy I'm afraid. You'd still have to police the ban.


I'm always suspicious of the "banning brigade". It only takes 5 minutes thought to see where it leads. You remove the right to free speech from one particular faction, and then another and then another........

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Instead of talking about banning they should be talking with the Government about providing a central fund to pay for the policing of these marches. That way it wont put a big dent in the local police funds.


That's a good point. Going further, football clubs have to pay for policing. Should any group planning a protest have to pay?

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Are you related to Neville Chamberlain by any chance?


Godwins law is alive and well I see. No I am not related to Neville Chamberlain. The difference between Nazi Germany and the EDL is that Germany had an army that was prepared to invade. The EDL are just a bunch of racist thugs that crave attention and want a fight. Deny them both and they will disappear back to the hole they came from.

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I'm no fan of the UAF but giving fascists unchallenged dominance of the streets when they march is not the answer.


But is giving them a greater audience and a fight really the answer either? I'm not sure which of the 2 evils is the better option. But one comes with a significantly lower price tag...

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That's a good point. Going further, football clubs have to pay for policing. Should any group planning a protest have to pay?


The sad thing is that the vast majority of protests need no policing, or at least shouldn't need any. To be fair, exactly the same as football. Find a way to isolate and arrest the minority on both sides that cause the trouble and let the law abiding majority get on with their protests.

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That's a good point. Going further, football clubs have to pay for policing. Should any group planning a protest have to pay?



I don't think the two can be compared that easily. Football clubs are normally very rich and can afford to pay its player and managers very well so can in effect afford it. Those costs as well as policing the game is then offset in ticket prices.


Maybe any person wanting to march should also pay a fee to join the march which then gets passed on for the policing of that march. The march can be organised and ticket only which could be a lawful way of dealing with it.


Just to add.. I did notice that these marches do tend to have an over-the-top presence by the police.

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I don't think the two can be compared that easily. Football clubs are normally very rich and can afford to pay its player and managers very well so can in effect afford it. Those costs as well as policing the game is then offset in ticket prices.


Maybe any person wanting to march should also pay a fee to join the march which then gets passed on for the policing of that march. The march can be organised and ticket only which could be a lawful way of dealing with it.


Just to add.. I did notice that these marches do tend to have an over-the-top presence by the police.


What a brilliant idea.


And if the fees are set at the right level, that means that only those who are well off are allowed a protest.


We could extend the model to cover administration costs of elections and the like

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