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Saudi Arabia offers to Build 200 Mosques in Germany

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Migrant crisis: Why the Gulf states are not letting Syrians in


So, they think they can buy their way out of having to take any refugees in. Nothing new here, then.


We still need their oil more than they need to sell it to us, so it's our problem, not theirs.


'Know thy place' and all that: they know theirs, our political masters know ours (but most plebes don't).


Still...here's to hoping a critical mass of eyes get opened.


Me, I'd gladly accept their offer and shake their hand and do the photo ops very publicly etc. but then, just as publicly, promptly repurpose the 'mosque' money to fund EU processing, deportations and ad hoc intervention. Basically, make them pay to solve the EU's problems.


Seems philosophical-enough justice: they take the p***, we take the p***-and-a-half :twisted::D

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So, they think they can buy their way out of having to take any refugees in. Nothing new here, then.


We still need their oil more than they need to sell it to us, so it's our problem, not theirs.


'Know thy place' and all that: they know theirs, our political masters know ours (but most plebes don't).


Still...here's to hoping a critical mass of eyes get opened.


Me, I'd gladly accept their offer and shake their hand and do the photo ops very publicly etc. but then, just as publicly, promptly repurpose the 'mosque' money to fund EU processing, deportations and ad hoc intervention. Basically, make them pay to solve the EU's problems. Seems philosophical-enough justice: they take the p***, we take the p***-and-a-half :twisted::D


It quite clearly says in that linked article that SA claims to have already taken in 500,000 Syrian refugees. Fair bit more than the UK...

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It quite clearly says in that linked article that SA claims to have already taken in 500,000 Syrian refugees. Fair bit more than the UK...


Not that clear apparently... it says they have taking in 500,000 Syrians as workers, not refugees. We have taken more migrants than that every year for several years.

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It quite clearly says in that linked article that SA claims to have already taken in 500,000 Syrian refugees. Fair bit more than the UK...
(1) it's a 'claim' indeed, and


(2) it equally clearly says that they have taken in immigrant workers, not 'refugees'.


Are you familiar at all with how immigrant workers are treated in these countries?


Dig a little about living and working conditions of immigrant workers e.g. those building the World Cup 2022 stadiums in Qatar. "Edifying" isn't quite the word :| Same goes for all 'low-value' immigrants throughout the Gulf area regardless, and I'll gloss over the horrific abuse (supported by local interpretation/application of Sharia law) of domestic Indian and Filipino staff, which we never hear about in the news here, bar the odd one or two exception once in a blue moon.


Would you support the EU taking in 1m migrant workers given practically no human rights, less than no employment rights, paid a pittance (when they're actually paid), working 70-odd hours a week minimum and living in conditions not that far removed from the Jungle in Calais (basically, and not too fine a point on it: modern-day slaves in everything but name), rather than house and feed 1m refugees?


Some on here would I'm sure, but the EU and harmonised national statutes wouldn't let them. These countries do, with complete impunity.

Edited by L00b
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It quite clearly says in that linked article that SA claims to have already taken in 500,000 Syrian refugees. Fair bit more than the UK...


That's not true, they don't claim to have taken in any refugees, they claim to have taken in 500,000 migrant workers as nice cheap labour, not the same thing at all. They most certainly have not granted half a million people refugee status in their country.


"Foreigners are only allowed residency if they or their spouse have full-time jobs - there is no possibility to remain permanently in the Gulf without work - and once their contracts are up almost all migrants return home."


---------- Post added 11-09-2015 at 15:50 ----------


You couldn't make it up - This is Saudi Arabia's contribution to the awful migrant crisis afflicting Europe.




This seems totally Bananas to me :banana::banana:


Seems to me they'd help more by helping to build homes for people to live in, if they really are going to refuse to take any in, building mosques won't help very much.

Edited by flamingjimmy
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