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Brown Recluse Spider

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Some one posted a thread about spiders. I cannot find the thread (In a rush).


The Brown Recluse Spider is not supposed to be found in the UK.


September (sometime through to Oct) is spider time.


Carol Mowell (June 2015 ) was bitten by a BRS. The result was a very nasty wound in deed.


NO intention of weirding people out. And I know some people would probably make a BRS butty out of it. However, it's a nasty little brute and should be

steered clear of.


So if the little beggars are stalkin your house;unless you can clearly identify the species, stay clear of them. The BRS is species Loxosceles (it doesn't have it tattooed on it back).


I'm serious. You don't want to get bitten by the BRS. The thing isn't supposed to be in the UK. But Carrol Mowell got bitten by one.


If there are any spider experts reading. Please tell ne how to identify it-from a distance.

Edited by petemcewan
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The brown recluse is not native to California but nevertheless has found it's way here to southern California and it has become as common as the black widow which arrived here decades ago.


A brown recluse likes plastic garden chairs and it shelters under the chair in the apertures around the top of the legs. I've found a few over the past year. They're very hard to spot but the web betrays their presence.


What I do is tip the chair upside down, spray the area with a product called "Raid" which is used to kill ants. This wont kill the spider but it causes it to come out of it's hiding place and I then either finish it off with the sole of my shoe or blast it away into the grass with a shot from the garden water hose nozzle.


If you have plastic trash cans with lips around the rim they can also be found under the lip

Edited by Harleyman
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