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Will England now become working class

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Now that we have a champion of the working classes leading a political party will we now see the people who have made this Country great actually reaping the benifits of their hard graft, their broken bones bent backs and smoke infested lungs.

Will this be the turning point when the silver spoon brigade finally get their comupense and actually find out that life is not a ball of cherries.


Most Britains have been slaves for centuries although due to lack of education they do not realise the fact.

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I'd like to see this country become a true meritocracy, and 'class' become a thing of the past, or at least, less of an issue.


We seem to have an awful lot of mediocrity in high places because of 'jobs earmarked for the boys' while real talent doesn't get a look in simply because they don't have the right contacts.


Let's hope that changes soon.

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No. We don't have lots of jobs that involve broken bent backs or smoked filled lungs (and if we do half of them are done by foreigners). We all work in offices now and think we're middle class despite claiming tax credits.


Heavy industry has by and large gone, but are call centres the new factories? How would you classify a picker at Amazon? A peripatetic carer? A 0 hours worker.

Workers might give themselves fancy job names, but there are still a lot of wage slaves around, working under bad conditions (just not in the old fashioned sense) and exploitative employers.

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Will Mr. Corbyn also be doing away with the Poor Houses and stop young children being sent up chimneys?


I hope he will do away with selective education where people who can afford it move house to the posher areas so as to access the best schools ,schools that just happen to be in those areas.


Also the public and private school system ,a system that is so unfair on kids from poorer areas.


Then we have the faith schools with their selective policies .

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