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Will England now become working class

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I'd like to see this country become a true meritocracy, and 'class' become a thing of the past, or at least, less of an issue.


You're wasting your time. The class structure and inequality are human failings that can't be remedied with politics, unless a governing party were to do something really radical and monstrous like seize the wealth and land assets of those that have it and redistribute it.

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The way some are going on you'd think he'd just become prime minister corbyn.

Somehow I don't think a man with the endorsement of Gerry Adams and only 10% of the vote of Labour MPs will become the Prime Minister of Great Britain .


Deluded people can keep on dreaming, but the nightmare of Jeremy Corbyn singing The Red Flag on the steps of Downing Street is not going to happen .

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I'd like to see this country become a true meritocracy, and 'class' become a thing of the past, or at least, less of an issue.


This is a development of the above, not a critisism.......


A meritocracy is a class of sorts. So what happens to the rest of us? Will the merit be reflected in £££? The whole thing seems to be based on a vertical interpretation of society with a top and bottom. IMO this is flawed thinking.


Here's the rub. We all have our own versions of merit and will never agree on what is meritorious. It's strange, but understandable, that the Conservatives are better at putting up with things they don't totally agree with in order to get things, usually selfishly, they want. On the other hand lefties seem to be too impatient to play the long game and don't compromise in order to do the greater good.


(Corbyn was intransigently true to his beliefs, which was reflected in his record of voting against the Labour whip 25% of the time. How can he now ask for loyalty?)


It will take a truck load of education, education, education but I prefer the ageless maxim of:-


"From each according to their ability to each according to their need"

Edited by Flanker7
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I'd like to see this country become a true meritocracy, and 'class' become a thing of the past, or at least, less of an issue.


We seem to have an awful lot of mediocrity in high places because of 'jobs earmarked for the boys' while real talent doesn't get a look in simply because they don't have the right contacts.


Let's hope that changes soon.


I think that's the first post of yours I have ever agreed with Anna, but I suspect our means to achieve a meritocracy would be somewhat different.


---------- Post added 13-09-2015 at 09:53 ----------


Most of England is working class.


Actually about 70% of the country identifiy themselves as middle class. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/this-britain/class-exclusive-seven-in-10-of-us-belong-to-middle-britain-2247052.html


Although 48% have incomes which would align with a traditional working class, some of them are university educated but working in the service sector. It's actually this emergent service sector class, of young inner city workers with high cultural capital, in low paid jobs which Corbyn has tapped into. The vast majority of new Labour members fall into this category rather than the traditional working class.

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I hope he will do away with selective education where people who can afford it move house to the posher areas so as to access the best schools ,schools that just happen to be in those areas.


Also the public and private school system ,a system that is so unfair on kids from poorer areas.


Then we have the faith schools with their selective policies .


Why do you think the good schools just happen to be in the more affluent areas? Is it sheer coincidence that parents who have worked hard and done well raise children who do the same? Sending more kids from bad backgrounds won't magic up good results, it's down to upbringing, hard work and support.

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You're wasting your time. The class structure and inequality are human failings that can't be remedied with politics, unless a governing party were to do something really radical and monstrous like seize the wealth and land assets of those that have it and redistribute it.


Class and tradition are holding this country back.


It's the 21st century. Most other successful countries don't have it to anything like the same extent and they are years ahead of us.

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You're wasting your time. The class structure and inequality are human failings that can't be remedied with politics, unless a governing party were to do something really radical and monstrous like seize the wealth and land assets of those that have it and redistribute it.


There will always be a rich and poor, but we can afford to treat every drug, gambling and alcohol addict that wants treatment.

We can afford to give everyone a basic, home or good shelter, either rented or bought.

We have a political system that see-saws between Tory and Labour, and there is no balance.

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..................................................... Sending more kids from bad backgrounds won't magic up good results, it's down to upbringing, hard work and support.


Hooray - we are products of our environment.


Give the hard work and support to any child and they will prosper. The law of diminishing returns will show that the bigger the catchment the better the results. If you restrict the intake to the classic Tory 'nice but dim' you reduce the quality of the result. Just look at the royal family.

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Class and tradition are holding this country back.


It's the 21st century. Most other successful countries don't have it to anything like the same extent and they are years ahead of us.

Where are all those successful countries that are years ahead of us?

The most successful country in the world is USA where success is celebrated where they don't have the same jealousy for someone who's made it that some here seem to have.

The Blair haters in the Labour Party who now think that Jeremy Corbyn will get them in to power forget that it was Tony Blair that brought in some of the policies that Jeremy Corbyn is committed to, Open borders allowing in anyone who wants to come here, allowing feckless people to get paid for having kids,

Increasing taxes on the better off, introducing tuition fees etc.

I know I'm going to be called a right wing Tory bigot but I was a labour voter til the light came on in 2010 and a lot like me won't be voting labour again til policies change, but then again I don't suppose the left aren't bothered about that.

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