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Will England now become working class

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I know I'm going to be called a right wing Tory bigot but I was a labour voter til the light came on in 2010 and a lot like me won't be voting labour again til policies change, but then again I don't suppose the left aren't bothered about that.


About the same time the mainstream press veered to the right. That's ok Corbyns' labour don't want sheeple voters.

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Alas, how often "meritocracies" become "meretricious"


Good point - Although meritocracies are often lauded as fair and just, they can create a society that have those at the top which are insufferably smug, and those at the bottom lambasted and mocked.

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About the same time the mainstream press veered to the right. That's ok Corbyns' labour don't want sheeple voters.


As you say that's OK then, as long as Corbyns labour are happy to spend years in opposition complaining about the wicked Tories. I would also suggest a sheepie voter is someone who votes blindly for one party even if they don't agree with their policies.

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About the same time the mainstream press veered to the right. That's ok Corbyns' labour don't want sheeple voters.


You've got to love the breathtaking arrogance of the left. The narrative here, as is commonly relayed by fellow comrades, is that anyone with an opposing view is clearly intellectually inferior and could only have arrived at such views because of brainwashing from the right wing press.

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You've got to love the breathtaking arrogance of the left. The narrative here, as is commonly relayed by fellow comrades, is that anyone with an opposing view is clearly intellectually inferior and could only have arrived at such views because of brainwashing from the right wing press.


You can't argue that as the mainstream press veered to the right so did the floating voters.

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Most working class people I know hold what are considered 'right wing' views on immigration and hate political correctness. The working class encompasses building & construction workers, factory workers, van and lorry drivers for example, and you won't find many of those groups of workers apologising for Britains past, reading the Guardian, wearing sandals or hugging trees !

Corbyns Labour will mean even less to the 'working' class than Mr Blairs Labour did IMHO !

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Now that we have a champion of the working classes leading a political party will we now see the people who have made this Country great actually reaping the benifits of their hard graft, their broken bones bent backs and smoke infested lungs.

Will this be the turning point when the silver spoon brigade finally get their comupense and actually find out that life is not a ball of cherries.


Most Britains have been slaves for centuries although due to lack of education they do not realise the fact.


Lovin it! :thumbsup:

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Now that we have a champion of the working classes leading a political party will we now see the people who have made this Country great actually reaping the benifits of their hard graft, their broken bones bent backs and smoke infested lungs.

Will this be the turning point when the silver spoon brigade finally get their comupense and actually find out that life is not a ball of cherries.


Most Britains have been slaves for centuries although due to lack of education they do not realise the fact.

Have you found an old copy of "The Ragged trousered Philanthropist" somewhere? Or is it something you read every time you think about the election results?

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Have you found an old copy of "The Ragged trousered Philanthropist" somewhere? Or is it something you read every time you think about the election results?

Road to Wigan Pier;) written by a half upper class communist pseudo working class intellectual .

Who once lived on the Parkwood Springs.

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Which working class are we taking about?


The Marxist one - small businessmen and shopkeepers being crushed by the wealth holding classes ?


The present day concept of what makes up the worker class (according to Mr Marx) were his "lumpen proletariat" who he said would always side with the forces of reaction when the chips were down, preferring slavery to change.


Can anyone enlighten us who the working class really are and what solidarity is there amongst them these days (if any)?

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