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The Death Of Compassion?

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We seem to live in a world of me me perhaps a by product of political thinking . Recently I had to give first aid to a ill bus driver only me and a old couple stayed to give help the rest of passengers left to get on the next bus not bothering to help so has compassion died and been replaced by selfishness?

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hmm hard to tell, last time I went through Hillsborough precinct an old Chinese chap had fallen and hit his head.


there was several people tending him and somebody was ringing an ambulance when I got there, I could have hung around but didn't see the point as he was being well taken care of.


maybe the passengers thought you were doing a good job and they'd only be in the way?

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We seem to live in a world of me me perhaps a by product of political thinking . Recently I had to give first aid to a ill bus driver only me and a old couple stayed to give help the rest of passengers left to get on the next bus not bothering to help so has compassion died and been replaced by selfishness?


Oh for gods sake..you helped didn't you, and a couple of others. What do you want, a medal?


Maybe you just wanted a rant on how compassionate you are and the rest are "a by product of political thinking ****e" :roll: .

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We seem to live in a world of me me perhaps a by product of political thinking . Recently I had to give first aid to a ill bus driver only me and a old couple stayed to give help the rest of passengers left to get on the next bus not bothering to help so has compassion died and been replaced by selfishness?


The worst thing in this scenario is too many people gathering round. You and a couple of others did what was needed.

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Maybe most of the passengers walked off the bus before the OP and the elderly couple helped the driver ?


My observations are that the general public are compassionate if someone has an accident or appears to be having problems in a public place . Too many people hanging around could be unhelpful .

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Oh for gods sake..you helped didn't you, and a couple of others. What do you want, a medal?


Maybe you just wanted a rant on how compassionate you are and the rest are "a by product of political thinking ****e" :roll: .


No not after a medal thank you or either after your approval. My point is if I and the other couple were not their would have any of other passengers helped? The bus wasn't full , when it became clear that something was wrong I heard more than one person say how inconvenient for them and soon as they saw a another bus upped and left.

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