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The Death Of Compassion?

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We seem to live in a world of me me perhaps a by product of political thinking . Recently I had to give first aid to a ill bus driver only me and a old couple stayed to give help the rest of passengers left to get on the next bus not bothering to help so has compassion died and been replaced by selfishness?
Yes people are slowly waking up and realising they are stuck in a prison which is getting worse EVERYDAY!!


Its sad...............

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I think it's a symptom of how a right-wing media and successive right-wing governments since Maggie have turned segments of the population against each other.






An immigrant?

More than two kids?


Then according to Maggie Thatcher's flying monkeys, you're a parasite.

Bang on the money.
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We seem to live in a world of me me perhaps a by product of political thinking . Recently I had to give first aid to a ill bus driver only me and a old couple stayed to give help the rest of passengers left to get on the next bus not bothering to help so has compassion died and been replaced by selfishness?



I think you are correct, the Country is much changed from when I was young, and not for the better either.



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There are still some good people who care out there though .


There are loads. They just don't need to post about it on the interweb. Let's put another way - have you ever been in need of a Good Samaritan and not had one? I'm thinking something major not holding a door open or letting you out at a junction.

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Some people need an audience for their compassion.


Not a dig at you Eric but I keep hearing this argument more and more recently and I'm starting to get irritated by it.


Basically people who help others are criticised because they apparently only do it to make themselves feel better, or to make themselves feel less guilty about something, or because they are looking for kudos for doing it.


Most people who help others are looking for none of these things. They are just good people and being like that is not a character defect.


Maybe people who can't fathom that are totally and utterly self-centered and couldn't imagine doing anything to help a stranger. I don't know but I really wonder what is going on with our society.

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