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What did you dream about last night

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I dreamt I invented a new taxation system and was attempting to get david cameron and a friend of mine from to school to listen to it. basically the idea was to get rid of income tax and increase VAT to cover it. Made a lot of sense in my dream but now it make no sense at all. my dreams aren't usually that lucid - maybe I've been reading the papers too much.

Edited by TimmyR
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I could write a book with the dreams I have! Seriously random... especially the time I was auditioning for the X-crapter but the judging panel was the cast from Red Dwarf.. then I had a fight with Simons rhino looking security guard.


Last nights dream.. I was at a mechanics getting my car fixed and when I came to collect my car had gone, I was looking all over for my little blue car, turns out I was looking for the wrong car, I sold the blue car years ago! My car was parked up waiting for me the whole time. Not quite sure what the point in that dream was.

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Last night...Staff rota and covering shifts.
Puts Freud hat on, and has a quick shave with Occam's Razor.


I'm beginning to see a pattern to your dreams here.


My educated, psychologically analytic brain has translated it as thus:


'Look into my eyes, look into my eyes …'


Your dreams are of a previous life, call it 'regression' if you will.

You are a guard on Hadrian's Wall, in charge of keeping out the pesky Brits, courtesy of chucking spears, or 'staffs' in your native parlance.

However, due to a continuing onslaught by the Brits, intent on plundering the haggis mines, staffs are running low and have to be rationed … you have to come up with a staff rota.

On top of this is your soldiers propensity to fight dressed in women's clothing, namely, inappropriate 'chemises' … a loose fitting ladies undergarment also known as a 'shift'.

The Brits mercilessly mock and harangue you for this, causing you to take appropriate action. Your Scottish soldiers must cover their shifts for you stand any chance of a fair battle.

They do eventually condescend to your orders (tonight's dream?) and their shifts are eventually covered … with tartan coloured dresses!


Meanwhile, away from all this malarkey, the Brits are concentrating most of their effort into getting into Scotland undetected, courtesy of a distant relative of mine as happenstance would deem.

Hieronymus Blog, a brilliant 14th century scientist, working in conjunction with his French counterpart (yep … the French had interests in haggis too!), a monsieur Beauvadier Cousteau were working at Hieronymus's top secret science establishment 'Bolehill Manor' at Crookes. Monsieur Cousteau specialising in underwater things, whilst Hieronymus did all the clever stuff.


Together, they invented an inflatable submarine made from the stitched together outer coverings of some 350 cows, with which to evade Hadrian's Wall completely … by cunningly sneaking into Scotland underwater up Loch Ness, completely undetected by the dress wearing Scots!


Unfortunately, the entire story has been lost to the annals of time, albeit, the inflatable submarine was never to be seen again. No one knows what became of the brave scientist's on their maiden voyage. :(

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