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What did you dream about last night

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I dreamt my wife was driving a train and I was stood at the side of the track. She saw me and stopped, got out, and came to talk to me. I said, have you left the brakes on. She said, o'h dear,just as the train with passengers,started pulling away. As we ran after it, I woke up.

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As long as I can remember. I've had a reoccurring dream.

One day (in the waking world) I was at a stadium with my sister and we went to use the facilities. As soon as I walked in, I recognised the place and stopped. My sister had also stopped and said that she'd dreamt of this place. I asked her if, in her dream the toilet stalls had doors on them. She said no, and there was no toilet paper and over flowing bowls.

I couldn't believe that we had exactly the same dream.

Next time we went to visit our mum, we brought it up and mum said SHE had exactly the same dream too!


After I moved to the UK, I was at a party and a girl said she needed the loo, and walked out the front door. When she came back, I asked her why she!d left and she said she has 'bathroom issue's because of reoccurring dreams. I asked if they were the same (as mentioned above) and she said yes.

Since then, I have encountered a number of people who have the same dream.


Strange, huh?

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