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Stick it to em girls..

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I don't get the Femen protesters.
In this case, both were Muslim, with one Algerian and the other Tunisian, and obviously with a message to pass about the female condition in the Muslim socio-cultural context.


A message perhaps wasted on the two salafist imams...but obviously not on the audience who shouted "kill the whores" at once or on those who assaulted them physically.


In other news, the organisers have decided to press charges against these women. Nice, that will really endear the Muslim community to the French population (who, according to various polls, overwhelmingly approves of this particular Femen's action).

Edited by L00b
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In this case, both were Muslim, with one Algerian and the other Tunisian, and obviously a message to pass about the female condition in the Muslim socio-cultural context. Perhaps wasted in the two salafist immams...but obviously not on the audience who shouted "killed the whores" and those who assaulted them physically. In other news, the organisers have decided to press charges against these women.


Well lets hope they're not explosive.:P

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The problem is that there are Muslim men out there who regard their wives as their property and therefore think they can do as they please. This view is not one I hold myself and I think nowadays the younger generation Muslims who live in western country's don't follow this line of thinking although there are some who do.

I think it will take time but Muslim women are getting to the point where they don't stand for it anymore in this and other western country's but there does seem to be a problem in Muslim country's.

I respect my wife as an equal and will bring my two boys to hold the same values.


That isn't unique to Islam. Jehovahs - Christian teachings encourage subjugation and fail to renounce abuse and mistreatment except in extreme circumstances.


Until 1991 this was the legal stance in the UK on marital rape -

"A husband cannot be guilty of rape committed by himself upon his lawful wife, for by

their mutual matrimonial consent and contract the wife hath given up herself in

this kind unto her husband, which she cannot retract."


Amazing what a few decades does to a societies view point.

Edited by willman
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I can't believe some of these posts...


Regardless of whether you are black, white, Muslim, Christian, Atheist or believe in the tooth fairy! Violence towards women is worldwide and for those of you who have such a small mind to think that it's only Muslims that treat women this way!! ridiculous...

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The problem is that there are Muslim men out there who regard their wives as their property and therefore think they can do as they please. This view is not one I hold myself and I think nowadays the younger generation Muslims who live in western country's don't follow this line of thinking although there are some who do.

I think it will take time but Muslim women are getting to the point where they don't stand for it anymore in this and other western country's but there does seem to be a problem in Muslim country's.

I respect my wife as an equal and will bring my two boys to hold the same values.


Good on you :thumbsup::clap:

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That fella in the white T-shirt certainly stuck the boot into one of them when they were on the floor, it even looks like he's the one that pushes the woman over.


Nothing to say he was a muslim though.


There was also nothing to say that his religion(whatever it may be)caused him to treat them in that manner either.

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The problem is that there are Muslim men out there who regard their wives as their property and therefore think they can do as they please.


...with the backing of the Quran, centuries of Islamic tradition, and prominent Islamic 'scholars' on the internet whose videos they watch.

Edited by flamingjimmy
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That fella in the white T-shirt certainly stuck the boot into one of them when they were on the floor, it even looks like he's the one that pushes the woman over.


Nothing to say he was a muslim though.


Didn't the people attending need to be invited Muslims? So its a fair assumption he was. However that does not mean his actions are typical.


What is happening is the rise of Sufism within Islam. There seems to be a concentration of ideology within Islam that is the catalyst to the problems we see today.


Have you seen the video for a discussion in Egypt in the 1950's on the subject of asking women to cover their heads. The idea is laughed at by the audience, but today its the normal in most Muslim countries in one form or another and commonplace in the UK too.


I saw a graphic today that showed Europe, Arabia and northern Africa. The first image had the date 1015 and Europe was quoted as "Too concerned with religion". Arabia had "Doing Science". Then the second image had the date 2015 and the wording was reversed.


Islam is not progressing, its regressing partially due to apathy from within and tolerance of intolerant views from outside.

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