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Should conservative supporters boast about dodging tax?


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Are we talking tax evasion or tax avoidance ?


Or sensible tax planning as one sf member called amazon funneling profits from one country to another....


---------- Post added 15-09-2015 at 16:27 ----------


We need to clamp down on all. And the tory supporters who are clearly going against party line and going renegade on this...

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Or sensible tax planning as one sf member called amazon funneling profits from one country to another....


---------- Post added 15-09-2015 at 16:27 ----------


We need to clamp down on all. And the tory supporters who are clearly going against party line and going renegade on this...


You really need to differentiate. There's tax avoidance like ISAs and agressive tax avoidance that the likes of Jimmy Carr tried to do. Both legal but both massively different.

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should tony blair get away with tax dodging?


Should drummonds get away with tax dodging?


Good grief man. Both these comments are irrelevant to the thread title.


Can you ever, ever, ever stop banging that drum and even obliquely reference the subject in hand.


Tax dodging is legal and morally wrong. Most Conservatives wouldn't loose a moments sleep over this and even argue that it's their civic duty to do so. As for boasting about it, yep, they would do that too.


To answer the question, (please note drummonds),


No they should not boast about it nor should they do it - like everybody else irrespective of political allegiance.


...............and yes I have bitten

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