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My Kids are coming to the age at which they may take drugs.

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When I say drugs, I mean illegal drugs, not Alcohol, which is legal, taxed and controlled in measure. My concern is whether to talk to them about it and accept that they may try substances, which may give my tacit acceptance that they will which in turn may not discourage them from doing it. Or to ignore it.

Obviously I'd be happier if they didn't but people do and I don't want them to die from overdose.

This piece on Unilad has really opened my mind to it...


All suggestions, other than the uninformed "all drugs are evil" "all drug dealers are evil" nonsense would be appreciated.


I have just been looking on the NHS CHOICES web page and it gives some good information about talking to your children about drugs. I do not know how to create a link, but I am sure you will be able to find it.

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You can only guide your children through the next few years and hope they come through the other side unscathed .Remember back to when you were that age, i do .There going to experiment, may even have allready tried drug's ,tobacco,sex ,alcohol it's all part of the package .Just be there that's all you can do.

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