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Fathers should be named on birth cert

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It seems pretty basic, we hear of stories where no father is named on birth certificates, sometimes simple excuses given, like the father could not be at the registration.

The state should make it possible for any mother to make sure that the father is named on the birth certificate. If this involves the state paying for multiple DNA tests, so be it.

What can be done to improve our current system?

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Pretty hard to trace some bloke who may just have had a one off kree trembler behind The Leadmill one night.
It should be harder still to make the taxpayer replace the absentee 'knee trembler' for the next 18 years, though. Sadly...

What can be done to improve our current system?
Generally in agreement with your sentiment, but disagree about the State's entire liability for unspecified costs of a paternity test.


Perhaps a bit of both carrot and stick?


Have the first test on the State free of charge, if the mother is correct about the father she names for the test (carrot).


But have the mother liable for all or part of the cost of any further testing required if the 1st named father isn't the father, and some form of fining (e.g. reduced benefits or whatnot) for not having the correct father on the register/cert (stick).

Edited by L00b
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What about in the cases where the father wants to be on the birth certificate, but the mother won't let them due to the relationship breaking down and them hating the father...?
My proposal above would go towards solving that, if the mother want or needs to avoid the penalty associated with not naming the father.


But generally, I believe the father of a child has a moral right to be named as the father, so the mother should not be able to impede that, unless special circumstances apply, e.g. child is outcome of rape, incest <etc.>


With the benefit of hindsight now, I'd add the same exceptions to my earlier proposal.

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The state should make it possible for any mother to make sure that the father is named on the birth certificate. If this involves the state paying for multiple DNA tests, so be it.

What can be done to improve our current system?


The state should pay for one DNA test if required, but if it turns out she's the local bike then she should be made to pay for the rest.


---------- Post added 17-09-2015 at 13:09 ----------


Pretty hard to trace some bloke who may just have had a one off kree trembler behind The Leadmill one night.


What you mean at the side of the A61??


---------- Post added 17-09-2015 at 13:11 ----------


What about in the cases where the father wants to be on the birth certificate, but the mother won't let them due to the relationship breaking down and them hating the father...?


IMO it's not up to the mother, the child deserves to know the name of their biological father.

Case in point is sperm donation, where donations are now not anonymous and the persons info is available to the kid.


Exceptions like Loob just mentioned need to be considered though, however you could argue if the child is the unfortunate result of a rape then the perpetrator should still be made to pay maintenance for the full 18 years - although with no access to the child.

Edited by geared
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It seems pretty basic, we hear of stories where no father is named on birth certificates, sometimes simple excuses given, like the father could not be at the registration.

The state should make it possible for any mother to make sure that the father is named on the birth certificate. If this involves the state paying for multiple DNA tests, so be it.

What can be done to improve our current system?


Im unsure if you have but I have a lot of experience in this situation.


My now ex, named our son without my permission. We had a disagreement on his name. We were not married and she was refusing to give him my surname. We also disagreed with him having her Dads name as his middle name, but thats a whole other story.


She one day she just took herself to the council building and named him. Giving him her surname and her Dads middle name. I was not named on the birth certificate and that was that. I had to get used to it. Suffice to say we split up not long after.


Fast forward 4-5 years and I'm in the process of taking her to court to obtain a DNA test (again a whole other story, involving a few other men, she supposedly slept with too) and once that was resolved, to gain access to my son whom she had prevented me seeing for a number of years.


While going through a cafcass interview, the interviewer let it slip my son's last name had now changed to that of his Step father. This was without my knowledge. The CSA still referred to my son by his original name.


I brought this up in court, and asked why did she do this without my knowledge. She claimed she didn't know where I lived. I pointed out my parents still live at the same place they did while we were together and she just shrugged it off. The court did the same. They didn't care that she had made the change and the fact she was lying by saying she couldn't get hold of me.


I learnt the hard way that if your name is not on the birth certificate, you have no rights over the child what so ever. The only right anyone has is your ex's ability to take up to 40% of your salary. Thats it, you are left out in the cold, without any support, any chance of seeing your child unless your ex agrees and no one gives a toss.


The system in the UK is biased towards the mother. Men are not given a fighting chance and the result is a number of suicides due to men having their children taken from them for no other reason than their ex wants to. I knew of one such person who killed himself over Christmas one year because his ex destroyed him.

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Im unsure if you have but I have a lot of experience in this situation.




No first hand experience, but I am now a single parent(dad) and hear others stories; and being on the birth certificate from the start would help in a lot of situations.

The CSA was a good principle, but that has been essentially shelved, we need something else to improve parenthood.

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No first hand experience, but I am now a single parent(dad) and hear others stories; and being on the birth certificate from the start would help in a lot of situations.

The CSA was a good principle, but that has been essentially shelved, we need something else to improve parenthood.


We need something that considers both parties, not take ones side in every disagreement.


One word of advise. Document EVERYTHING and never give your Childs mother cash. Always a bank transfer. My ex accepted thousands of pounds from me and then denied all knowledge to the CSA. The CSA took her word over mine and left me with a large arrears to pay.


If you need any advise, please feel free to PM me.

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