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Mice in the attic - not sure how to get it out!

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I have a mouse/mice or something like that living in our attic. Only problem is that it's a converted attic and they/it seems to be living in the apex which is all enclosed. So I have no idea how to get it out!


If I bash the ceiling I can hear it wake up and scratch around, and then it goes quiet - so I know exactly where it is living. Evening and early morning I hear it come and go - but there is no evidence of any mice in the actual living part of the house - no droppings, nothing eaten, nothing disturbed - we don't leave food out and I've checked the cupboards and nothing has been nibbled. I don't hear noises all over the house (only one place at a time), so it would appear to be a single mouse or just a small number.


I have some traps down in the attic cupboard (as there is a large 6"x6" hole in one not too far away from where they are) an electronic one and some snap traps baited up with peanut butter, but nothing has been near them, so guess this isn't part of their run.


I'm running out of ideas on how to get rid - without drilling a large hole into my ceiling! Does anyone have any ideas?

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Sounds unlikely to be mice if there is no evidence anywhere else in the house. It could be a nest of birds. Alternatively it could be bats and if it is they are protected and you have to leave them alone. Are there any trees near your house and are there squirrels about, because that is another possibility. The 1st 2 animals are unlikely to cause damage but squirrels will chew through wiring and roof beams so if thats what you've got they need to be outed asap.

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I have a mouse/mice or something like that living in our attic. Only problem is that it's a converted attic and they/it seems to be living in the apex which is all enclosed. So I have no idea how to get it out!


If I bash the ceiling I can hear it wake up and scratch around, and then it goes quiet - so I know exactly where it is living. Evening and early morning I hear it come and go - but there is no evidence of any mice in the actual living part of the house - no droppings, nothing eaten, nothing disturbed - we don't leave food out and I've checked the cupboards and nothing has been nibbled. I don't hear noises all over the house (only one place at a time), so it would appear to be a single mouse or just a small number.


I have some traps down in the attic cupboard (as there is a large 6"x6" hole in one not too far away from where they are) an electronic one and some snap traps baited up with peanut butter, but nothing has been near them, so guess this isn't part of their run.


I'm running out of ideas on how to get rid - without drilling a large hole into my ceiling! Does anyone have any ideas?

Drill a small hole and stick a camera in it. See for sure what you are dealing with.

Something like this would do


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Sounds unlikely to be mice if there is no evidence anywhere else in the house. It could be a nest of birds. Alternatively it could be bats and if it is they are protected and you have to leave them alone. Are there any trees near your house and are there squirrels about, because that is another possibility. The 1st 2 animals are unlikely to cause damage but squirrels will chew through wiring and roof beams so if thats what you've got they need to be outed asap.


I think it's rodent of some sort, as I can hear it moving about - so have disuonted birds and bats (I used to have birds in a different house and they were *really* noisy - usually at 4am!!).


We do live in an area with a lot of trees and have seen squirrels about, but never thought it could be them. Can they squeeze themselves into daft places too?


Drill a small hole and stick a camera in it. See for sure what you are dealing with.


Ah-ha. You've reminded me that I have something like that stashed away in a drawer. I'll dig it out and do some more investigation. Cheers

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We had a squirrel living in our loft for a few years, it used to bring its' lady squirrel in - pregnant.


When we had remedials done the builder found a 2foot nest they blocked up where it was getting at the roof corner, it would jump on to the guttering from a nearby tree.


I could hear it scratching and moving about just before I got up

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We had a squirrel living in our loft for a few years, it used to bring its' lady squirrel in - pregnant.


When we had remedials done the builder found a 2foot nest they blocked up where it was getting at the roof corner, it would jump on to the guttering from a nearby tree.


I could hear it scratching and moving about just before I got up


Oh, she's one of them is she? Has someone elses nuts, gets preggers, then worms her way in with Mr gullible squirrel. :P

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