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Are you mad enough to march?

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So where is the real evidence of people starving in Britain? South Yorkshire under the Tory government as you all keep piping on about is getting the sharp end of the stick so please tell me where in South Yorkshire there are people starving as I certainly haven't seen any evidence of it!


Perhaps you (the one's who went on this march and every other march there is) are the ones starving? so please tell me and others just how hard it is living from day to day.

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So where is the real evidence of people starving in Britain? South Yorkshire under the Tory government as you all keep piping on about is getting the sharp end of the stick so please tell me where in South Yorkshire there are people starving as I certainly haven't seen any evidence of it!


Perhaps you (the one's who went on this march and every other march there is) are the ones starving? so please tell me and others just how hard it is living from day to day.


You wouldn't be starving and have an internet connection though would you? :hihi:

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But did they feed starving kids...or not? :suspect:


Not if the newspaper reports are to be believed... I understand they paid some people's mortgages and paid for private education of some of the "charity" workers kids..they received £30 million of tax payers money..they need to be held accountable for it all..their accounts said they had 36,000 "clients" but they have only produced records for about 1600....there's a lot of explaining to be done I reckon..

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The thing is most people agree with austerity, that's why the Tories won. Most people don't suffer. Only the low paid and the electorate isn't bothered about them in general. If there is to be a change of government the Labour Party would have to dump this policy..

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er no! they did provide money however allegedly for drugs, playstations, tvs, x boxes:roll::roll:


I don't get it :huh:


---------- Post added 17-10-2015 at 01:56 ----------


Corbyn isn't bothered about getting Labour into power, just in feeding his ego by appealing to leftist nutters. Same as Tony Benn.


Aren't you havin fun


Surfin his wave though?


I am :D

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