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Lidl to pioneer £8.20 per hour living wage


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Lidl said its new pay rate would amount to an average wage increase of £1,200 a year, "with 53% of Lidl UK's 17,000 workforce and all age brackets benefiting from the rise".


Meanwhile other firms have warned of price increases. Whitbread who owns costa coffee said:


The company said in a statement that it plans to make “some selective price increases” and “efficiency savings” to mitigate the cost of the national living wage.



Next, the clothing retailer warn of a 1% price increase or 5% in total:

Next’s chief executive, Lord Wolfson, has said George Osborne’s new national living wage will cost the company £27m a year by the end of the decade and risks creating a potentially harmful inflationary loop.


Wolfson, a Conservative peer and friend of the chancellor, said Next would raise prices to offset the cost of implementing the higher pay rate, although the increase could be as little as 1%.


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If Lidl are giving their workers a pay increase that is good for the workers who benefit .


However , if companies are forced to increase the minimum wage or living wage then job losses are inevitable . In the real world an employer who pays six workers for example may only able to afford to employ five . The remaining five workers then will have to do the work of six people . Also it is likely more people will be given zero hour contracts .


I accept some employers can afford to pay workers more and do exploit them ,but there are also many who are struggling in the cut throat commercial world . New legislation leads to more people working part time (zero hours) than full time .

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I accept some employers can afford to pay workers more and do exploit them ,but there are also many who are struggling in the cut throat commercial world . New legislation leads to more people working part time (zero hours) than full time .

and all these employers having part time workers wages topped up by the taxpayer so as not eat into their profits :roll:

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I accept some employers can afford to pay workers more and do exploit them ,but there are also many who are struggling in the cut throat commercial world . New legislation leads to more people working part time (zero hours) than full time .


At the last budget, companies got a decrease in corporation tax, George Osborne may well reduce it some more.

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At the last budget, companies got a decrease in corporation tax, George Osborne may well reduce it some more.


In the past Lidl has been criticised by a British owned supermarket for not paying enough tax in the UK . Lower corporation tax may encourage more overseas owned retailers to pay more tax to the UK government .


Maybe Lidl can afford to give their UK workers a pay rise because they have been paying less tax then their rivals ?

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how much profit did they make this year?


Regardless, Lidl have exposed the big supermarkets. If Lidl can do it why can't other supermarkets? I know where I shall be taking my custom in future.


Mind, don't you feel sad for those other supermarkets who find their profits are down by a small percentage, but still make millions profit? I weep for them:roll: and yet THEY expect their workers to live on the minimum wage!

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Regardless, Lidl have exposed the big supermarkets. If Lidl can do it why can't other supermarkets? I know where I shall be taking my custom in future.


Mind, don't you feel sad for those other supermarkets who find their profits are down by a small percentage, but still make millions profit? I weep for them:roll: and yet THEY expect their workers to live on the minimum wage!

that's why I asked the question on how much profit they made poppet2. you get people on here whinging about these companies cant afford it blah blah blah yet these companies are making millions every year :huh:. some people cant see the wood for the trees

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