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Is the BBC's Migrant Propaganda Failing?

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The BBC long seem to have somewhat hidden their pro-immigration left-wing propaganda from the average person who just believed that Aunty was a good old British institution. However, with the current migration crisis they seem to be really struggling to spin this.


Every day they have a picture of a crying child plastered on their front page and stories of how evil government forces are refusing to help starving, tired families. And yet even they are struggling to hide huge crowds of young men from their lenses. Also, despite their best efforts is it really possible to spin the storming of a country's border by force in the migrants' favour.


In the last few days they seem to have thrown subtlty out and are just in full swing mode. Yesterday they painted Hungarian forces as some sort of evil military force for not allowing a border fence to be destroyed and today they suggested that the Croatians should have planned much more astutely for their invasion.


Do you think the BBC have finally lost their power over the minds of their subjects? Is their propaganda too much for even the softest of heads? Will we look back at this in years to come and see it as a final nail in the BBC's coffin?

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To be fair I haven't seen much difference to the BBC and SKY coverage of the migrant crisis . The biggest piece of propaganda was the images of the poor Syrian boy who sadly drowned show all around the world by all media . It had been well reported before that incident that hundreds of children had drowned attempting to make the journey to europe . His story was no less sad than any of the other children who had died .


There was a report on one of the channels that said the reason why many pictures of the young men were shown on our televesion screens was because they were the fittest and had pushed themselves to the front of the queues for boarder crossings and trains leaving the women , children and elderly at the back out of camera shot .

Edited by Gamston
typo error
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