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Is Arthur Scargill Exaggerating ?

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You dont think our secret soldiers are like James Bond do you? You know, efficient, deadly, good with the ladeeeeez?

No mate, Google them., They have a habit of screwing up and either killing the wrong person or (even worse in spook circles) killing no one at all.


Scargill was that accessible that it wouldn't have taken a James Bond to do it,in fact,a £10 note and a smack-head would probably have done lol.

As for the "habbit of screwing up" comment,your not really going to know about the successful ones are you :hihi:

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Scargill was that accessible that it wouldn't have taken a James Bond to do it,in fact,a £10 note and a smack-head would probably have done lol.

As for the "habbit of screwing up" comment,your not really going to know about the successful ones are you :hihi:


Youd be surprised whats available at the click of a mouse button


---------- Post added 18-09-2015 at 22:16 ----------


First I've heard of it.

You dont mix in the right circles then mate


You mean "lets have some more state sponsored murder"?

Yeah, thats probably a better way to say it.

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First I've heard of it.





You mean "lets have some more state sponsored murder"?




LINK [bBC, 17 March 2012]


Uncle Sam likes to use the term "targeted killings", it sounds better than assassination.


The execution of Bin Laden without trial (following an illegal incursion into Pakistani airspace) shows the US's blatant contempt for any other rule of law other than its own.


They did give him a respectful buriel which is more than Bin Laden did for the innocent people he was responsible for murdering .

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well arthur is clearly feeling miffed and neglected by the appointment of corbyn as labour leader. corbyn of course has a political agenda that is very similar to arthur's. nationalisation of railways and utillities, bigger public sector, getting out of nato, scrapping trident, re-opening coal mines.


for years arthur's policies have netted his party several dozen votes at elections, which could now easily move accross to labour under corbyn. where then for arthur?


Since when have they been Arthur's policies?


His policies are to get a nice apartment and pension for members of the NUM. Well, for one member of the NUM, to be exact.

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Since when have they been Arthur's policies?


His policies are to get a nice apartment and pension for members of the NUM. Well, for one member of the NUM, to be exact.


and use is old friend Margaret Thatcher's right to buy scheme to buy council flats in London .

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Since when have they been Arthur's policies?


His policies are to get a nice apartment and pension for members of the NUM. Well, for one member of the NUM, to be exact.


you do know that arthur runs a political party whose policies are arthur's policies. so whilst his personal ambition is to milk the mugs for anything he can get for himself, he still puts forward a manifesto pretty much in line with the one corbyn aligns with.

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