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Great Yorkshire Run 2015

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Some people on here need to invest in an A-Z of Sheffield and study alternative routes. With a little planning and forward thinking it is entirely possible to find a different way to where you need to be.

http://www.greatrun.org/great-yorkshire-run#the-course This information has been available for months.

There is always the choice of delaying your journey a little or setting off early or walking - it was a lovely day and it's such good exercise.

It was only for a few hours and only one day out of 365 - some folk need to get a grip and think less about themselves tbh.


You know what some people are like, they like a good whinge. Complain Sheffield doesn't do enough to promote the city and when they do with something positive like the Great Run, they complain that they are inconvenienced.


It's almost as if it's the end of the world that they have to consult a map or make alternative plans.

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I had no delays at all.


I got on my bicycle and rode to work in Hillsborough, by heading up to the university and over Barber Road.


It IS actually possible to travel in Sheffield WITHOUT having to use a car. If people did that instead of sitting in their cars not going anywhere and then crying because they made a stupid decision, then those who physically NEED to use a vehicle would be able to.


But then we live in a society where people fill their cars in Lidl on Chesterfield Road and then drive to B&M!! I see this surprisingly regularly.


In case you don't know just how close they are...


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Yeah, it's not like they were given notice of the event :roll::D


Thank you. It was a great run and great advert for Sheffield. The atmosphere was wonderful. I spoke to a few people from outside the city who said they had enjoyed it, the atmosphere and Sheffield in general :)


Nice one I did the Chesterfield half the week before which was also a great race for runners and spectators alike with plenty of stalls ect at the start/finish and great support on route.


Lots of people really enjoy these events not just those running you only have to look around at all the people who support them and they are a great advert for the city/town.

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