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Solution on EU crisis ??

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This thread may get deleted and I understand why because at present their is already a thread related BUT....


Hopefully if like to think this thread may be sensibly discussed from both sides (although I highly doubt it) what SOLUTIONS (and I stress the word SOLUTION do people have for the current migrant/refugee/immigrant/economic migrant/asylum seeker) crisis and another word I stress (crisis)


Hopefully everyone can leave aside the political views they have from other threads and just concentrate on SOLTIONS on this.

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I have a simple solution. Close all our Country to any kind of migrant/refugee/immigrant/economic migrant/asylum seeker until all our own countrymen are housed. When that is attained open our Country to a limited number of these migrant/refugee/immigrant/economic migrant/asylum seekers, based on the Australian system.


Harsh, maybe - but charity should begin at home.



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I think that all borders will have to sealed/ controlled at least on a temporary basis to try and gain control of who is going to where and why.


Then there will have to be a lot of compromising to come anywhere near to an agreement of how many migrants can be accommodated and in what country but I feel the union will break up and it will be down to sovereign states to do what their citizens will find acceptable.

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This refugee crisis might be ultimately " the straw that breaks the camels back"

We joined the COMMON MARKET not the EU and its now being seen that Germany calls the tune in Europe. If this current crisis escalates, which it's quite likely to as more and more decide to move to Europe the mood is quite likely for other countries to become more isolationist, as seen in the Balkan countries not wanting to take refugees.

But never mind, the EU will solve it, they'll probably have another meeting, then another then another, recurring.

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The mindset of EU politicians has to change.


The migrants are very determined to get to the EU and stay there. They have come a long way to get here and they don't want to go back. Telling a few lies to help their chances of staying won't bother them.


Some have assaulted police, broken down barricades and entered multiple countries illegally.


Until the EU shows that it has an equal determination to only allow in people it wants in, the problem will continue.

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Send all these refugees back to the camps. The majority are young men who are trying to invade Europe. Teach them how to fight and then send them out to fight these extremists.


A few weeks ago I was on the Sheffield Forum reading treads about British soldiers in the Far East during the second world war. How brave they were and how they suffered, as did my late father. Good job they did not run.

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This thread may get deleted and I understand why because at present their is already a thread related BUT....


Hopefully if like to think this thread may be sensibly discussed from both sides (although I highly doubt it) what SOLUTIONS (and I stress the word SOLUTION do people have for the current migrant/refugee/immigrant/economic migrant/asylum seeker) crisis and another word I stress (crisis)


Hopefully everyone can leave aside the political views they have from other threads and just concentrate on SOLTIONS on this.


There is no solution. There isnt supposed to be. Its a manufactured crisis and its makers dont want it to end, only get worse. And it will.

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