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Why should I pay for Jeremy Corbyn's friend Claire

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If you're just retired then as a baby boomer you have nothing to complain about. That generation has done incredibly well compared to all before and after it.


Not complaining at all, and just pointing out that I have paid more in taxes through taxation in the past and although retired I still do pay taxes.

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---------- Post added 20-09-2015 at 15:30 ----------



call a spade a spade


---------- Post added 20-09-2015 at 15:30 ----------



call a spade a spade


---------- Post added 20-09-2015 at 15:31 ----------



2 kids....benefit claimant castigates other benefit claimants..ad nauseum


If you are going to be confrontational and head into a debate face-first, expect to take hits every now and then, don't respond like the above and pretend you are clever. All you are demonstrating above is that you don't know what on earth you are trying to achieve.

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If you are going to be confrontational and head into a debate face-first, expect to take hits every now and then, don't respond like the above and pretend you are clever. All you are demonstrating above is that you don't know what on earth you are trying to achieve.


I am clever. thats why i have evolved views far removed from the hoy polloy


---------- Post added 20-09-2015 at 20:16 ----------


I think you need a lesson on economics as most of those people who are only just retired have paid much more of their income in taxation than people do now. Those people paid taxes towards the building of the infrastructure which younger people today take for granted. I remember when I was paying 35% income tax as opposed to the basic reduced rate now of 20%.


That reduction has been offset by increasing indirect taxation which means that I now also pay more for items and services I buy because of the increase in VAT.



I wrote the book on economics chump


---------- Post added 20-09-2015 at 20:17 ----------


If you're just retired then as a baby boomer you have nothing to complain about. That generation has done incredibly well compared to all before and after it.


Yes stop complaining


---------- Post added 20-09-2015 at 20:17 ----------


Criticise ideas and opinions, not people. Learn to debate like a grown up.


And you stop complaining too

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No it's not, it's 200 to 1500 all things considered.

Face it some people are worse off



No, only temporarily. Most people will be better off after the transition from tax credit dependency to national minimum wage has been completed. It is not fair that the taxpayer should subsidise the low wages that some employers decide to pay - the balance had to be redressed, tax credits were a bad, short term idea to buy votes for Labour, a transition had to happen sooner or later so let's shut up whinging about it and crack on.

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No, only temporarily. Most people will be better off after the transition from tax credit dependency to national minimum wage has been completed. It is not fair that the taxpayer should subsidise the low wages that some employers decide to pay - the balance had to be redressed, tax credits were a bad, short term idea to buy votes for Labour, a transition had to happen sooner or later so let's shut up whinging about it and crack on.


No they wont...thats just your limited intellect showing


---------- Post added 20-09-2015 at 20:47 ----------


Postman are you? :hihi:


No just a formally educated dude putting you in your place


---------- Post added 20-09-2015 at 20:48 ----------


Right wing PEASANT

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No they wont...thats just your limited intellect showing


No, they won't... that's just your limited intellect showing.


I've corrected your spelling and grammar for you, O brilliant one. :hihi:


---------- Post added 20-09-2015 at 20:50 ----------


No they wont...thats just your limited intellect showing


---------- Post added 20-09-2015 at 20:47 ----------



No just a formally educated dude putting you in your place


---------- Post added 20-09-2015 at 20:48 ----------


Right wing PEASANT


Comedy stuff - keep going, brilliant, superbeing.

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