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Are the Police too soft?

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]Perhaps many of the motorists were confused and just copied what the other motorists were doing because they assumed the Police had directed them to do this .[/b]


I suspect the Police are making a mountain out of a molehill of the incident given the fact some motorways lose the hard shoulder which is very useful for emergency vehicles to get to accidents .


Also it should be a nice little earner for whoever receives the fines for these offences captured on CCTV .


If anyone gets so confused they think it is alright to drive the wrong way up a motorway slip road then they shouldn't really be behind the wheel of a car. Not only were they putting other motorists at risk they blocked access to emergency vehicles trying to get to the crash which caused the tailback.

Yet another example of the 'ME ME ME' mentality prevalent in this country.

Edited by Daven
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If anyone gets so confused they think it is alright to drive the wrong way up a motorway slip road then they shouldn't really be behind the wheel of a car. Not only were they putting other motorists at risk they blocked access to emergency vehicles trying to get to the crash which caused the tailback.

Yet another example of the 'ME ME ME' mentality prevalent in this country.


With there being 74 vehicles involved, I am giving the motorists the benefit of the doubt because I find it difficult to believe all 74 drivers would act recklessly .


I have looked at the incident on the mobile phone footage shown in the link . The cars were slow moving and there looked enough room for the police vehicle to get by . The slip road still would not have been clear of all traffic if the motorist remained stranded there until the motorway was reopened . I more than likely would have followed the other motorists driving slowly with my hazzards on, if I had been there .


On one of the motorway cop programs the other week, the motorway was blocked and the police saw a motorcyclist riding on the hard shoulder . He quickly moved out of the way to let the police car through but was stopped later on his journey and given a ticket . The motorcyclist wasn't riding recklessly or causing any other road users any problems , so it seemed overofficious to punish him .

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On one of the motorway cop programs the other week, the motorway was blocked and the police saw a motorcyclist riding on the hard shoulder . He quickly moved out of the way to let the police car through but was stopped later on his journey and given a ticket . The motorcyclist wasn't riding recklessly or causing any other road users any problems , so it seemed overofficious to punish him .


Really?? It is illegal to use the hard shoulder except in an emergency or breakdown! If I am sat at a red traffic light and can see left, right and ahead and all is clear then by your reckoning I can just go through as you say above. "The motorcyclist wasn't riding recklessly or causing any other road users any problems , so it seemed overofficious to punish him".


Unfortunately the law is the law whether we agree or not. I'm hot on driving rules, laws and etiquette and drive about 2000 miles every week on all types of roads. HGV and very professional (please don't stereotype me)!


Every second counts regarding accidents and believe me over the years I have seen a few. I have been caught up in quite a few motorway accidents and one Friday as I was heading home on the M42 some years ago there was a serious accident then further accidents as people were abusing the hard shoulder. I was delayed over 6 hours but at least I made it home, those at the very extreme front causing the queue didn't.

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