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Female truckers charity calendar


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I have been asked as a fellow HGV driver if I would circulate the below statement. It is for a good cause and as it's not advertising as such I don't think I've abused the rules (although I didn't look very carefully) Sorry.


"There are quite a few of us lady truckers who have someone close suffering with this dilapidating disease.and we have got together to raise some much needed cash for cancer research....

A few weeks ago we posed in some sexy lingerie and draped ourselves over some beautiful trucks to created a calender...not only to raise money but also to let the world know that we can do girlie if we want to!!!

I know cancer touches most of us so lets do something great and together we can try and find cures and understanding of this evil curse!

It would be so great if you could click and share this link...it would be even better if you could order some to sell in your Depot/Shop/Garage/Truckstop etc...or even just a personal one for yourself...Which ever way you can help spread the word and raise as much as we can will be appreciated"



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