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Arent you glad you live in a place where..


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The woman had personal problems. After she hung herself the media were all just about convinced that the police did it. The trouble with the media especially the local media is that half the time they're half cocked when it comes to reporting anything


---------- Post added 27-09-2015 at 06:58 ----------


Because people are not psychic?





Well, to make it a fair test, try jaywalking and see what happens.


Y'know, the same "crime" Emilio Mayfield committed.




Oh dear. You really don't want to try using that as an argument. :hihi:


By the numbers: US police kill more in days than other countries do in years [The Guardian, 9 June 2015]


UK [pop. 59.9 million). 55 fatal shootings in the past 24 years.


USA [pop. 316.1 million] 59 fatal shootings in the first 24 days of 2015.


Even accounting for the population disparity, those are woefully bad figures.


I'll say this if I were patrolling in a high crime, gang ridden area at two o'clock in the morning and a car in front of me with two dudes sitting in it ran a red light I'd have to ask myself should I unholster or should I not when pulling it over and approaching on foot.


London, Birmingham and Manchester are not Chicago, Detroit and Miami.


I don't know if police of different countries interchange for training/experience type of programs but if a member of the London police force spent a few months on the streets of Detroit he'd go back home with an education and a half under his hat :hihi:

Edited by Harleyman
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"labour lost the election/new account"?.. and this has any relevance to the thread? If so, please substantiate.

I guess you have a token Black person in your family as evidence you're not a bigot too.

:hihi: oh Mecky.


It truely is incredible the conclusions you come to. Someone calls you out as a devious liar so ergo they are a racist.


You are a petty insular imbecile. I'm impressed that you can even use the internet.

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:hihi: oh Mecky.


It truely is incredible the conclusions you come to. Someone calls you out as a devious liar so ergo they are a racist.


What thread, who called me out? How have you come to the conclusion cassity is Mecky? And don't say similarities...show the similarities, show me as a fervent 'lefty'. For the record I'm a liberal, I have no interest in far left and in your case far right politics.


Morons on here have me down as mecky, timeh..anyone else wanna shot?


You are a petty insular imbecile. I'm impressed that you can even use the internet.


That's a bit rich coming from someone who's made an accusation based on zilch and his only contribution to the thread is another headfart who's unable to respond to observations in posts directly and indirectly related to the thread.

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The principle of British policing is to police by consent.


---------- Post added 28-09-2015 at 09:46 ----------


I don't know if police of different countries interchange for training/experience type of programs but if a member of the London police force spent a few months on the streets of Detroit he'd go back home with an education and a half under his hat :hihi:


You seem proud of the fact that your cities aren't safe, even for armed police officers... Yet you'll defend the right for everyone to own a gun. Ironic.

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Morons on here have me down as mecky, timeh..anyone else wanna shot?





:confused: Our posting styles are not even similar. Having said that i ve been 'outed' as being a few different people, mainly when i first joined so i just thought it was some kind of Noob initiation or something.

Just ignore it Cassity, as ive since worked out its done by people who are either losing the argument or losing the plot :)

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The principle of British policing is to police by consent.


---------- Post added 28-09-2015 at 09:46 ----------



You seem proud of the fact that your cities aren't safe, even for armed police officers... Yet you'll defend the right for everyone to own a gun. Ironic.


Proud ? :loopy: Sad more like and yes I defend the right of all law abiding Americans to own a firearm/firearms in defence if necessary against the non-law abiding Americans


The police are the thin blue line. We cant expect them to do it all

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How many times was he told to move ?

He refused to comply with an instruction from the officer.

Had he refused to comply with requests/instructions before?

Was he causing an obstruction/dangerous situation by not moving ?

Even though the answer is no, I don't see how any of the above justifies the assaults he received.


I see you have spent some time and effort to compile all these links.
Not at all, do you really think it takes more than a few seconds to find six videos of police brutality on the internet?


You have the help of a press only too eager to beat up on us. In the US, most newspapers concentrate on local issues more than nationwide, so some of these events would not be known of all over.

Interesting point you make, I was in America for 4 days the other year. There were local shootings on the local news every one of those days.


Good of you to point this out truly. The only question I have about this and other commentary is why. Is there genuine concern about what is happening to black people in bad areas, or is it just another attempt to show how much better you are than us? If that is the case you waste your time doing so.



-Vid 1 shows two cops, tired of trying to talk a depressed kid off of a bus they decide to drag him out of his seat. One cop can be seen trying his hardest to defy the laws of physics with the kid's arm. Physics wins and the kid's arm snaps loudly.


-Vid 2 shows a kid who was looking at (including holding) a BB gun in the shop where it was sold. Somebody called the police, who arrived and shot him dead without warning.


-Vid 3 shows an old man, partially deaf, walking down the street while whittling a piece of wood with a small pen knife (that was his trade). Cop tells him to drop the knife (several times in rapid succession), as the guy turns he is shot dead with multiple rounds. The knife was folded at this point.


-Vid 4 shows a woman walking away from a cop, the cops jogs after her and drags her to the ground then begins to repeatedly punch her in the face whilst she is pinned down. A civilian comes over and helps hold her down.


-Vid 5 shows a cop approach a couple, pull the male to the ground and then turn on the woman, holding her at arm's length with his left hand while he pulls his other fist back and lands a punch hard in her face, following through.


-Vid 6 shows cops hassling a homeless guy and tell him he has to leave (from a place where he already has permission to sleep), the male cop then decides it's a cage fight and goes crazy beating him up.


....and you're asking WHY I'd bring these videos up? Would you rather they were kept quiet?


We know we have a problem, and not one person in 10,000 cares what Sheffield says about it, though I care. There are nightly gang killings going on in our State Capital Hartford in the worst part of town, black on black. It is dangerous for black police officers to try and keep order in the part of town they may live. So the white cops get the job, and unfortunately sometimes go overboard in what would be trivial in other parts of the city. If you think I'm racist you should meet my black granddaughter in law Brenda, the apple of my eye and tell her that. She has a mean left hook.
Did you just try to compare gang related shootings to the police brutality highlighted in my list and the OP's incident? :suspect: Edited by RootsBooster
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Even though the answer is no, I don't see how any of the above justifies the assaults he received.


Not at all, do you really think it takes more than a few seconds to find six videos of police brutality on the internet?



Interesting point you make, I was in America for 4 days the other year. There were local shootings on the local news every one of those days.




-Vid 1 shows two cops, tired of trying to talk a depressed kid off of a bus they decide to drag him out of his seat. One cop can be seen trying his hardest to defy the laws of physics with the kid's arm. Physics wins and the kid's arm snaps loudly.


-Vid 2 shows a kid who was looking at (including holding) a BB gun in the shop where it was sold. Somebody called the police, who arrived and shot him dead without warning.


-Vid 3 shows an old man, partially deaf, walking down the street while whittling a piece of wood with a small pen knife (that was his trade). Cop tells him to drop the knife (several times in rapid succession), as the guy turns he is shot dead with multiple rounds. The knife was folded at this point.


-Vid 4 shows a woman walking away from a cop, the cops jogs after her and drags her to the ground then begins to repeatedly punch her in the face whilst she is pinned down. A civilian comes over and helps hold her down.


-Vid 5 shows a cop approach a couple, pull the male to the ground and then turn on the woman, holding her at arm's length with his left hand while he pulls his other fist back and lands a punch hard in her face, following through.


-Vid 6 shows cops hassling a homeless guy and tell him he has to leave (from a place where he already has permission to sleep), the male cop then decides it's a cage fight and goes crazy beating him up.


....and you're asking WHY I'd bring these videos up? Would you rather they were kept quiet?


Did you just try to compare gang related shootings to the police brutality highlighted in my list and the OP's incident? :suspect:



My oh my 4 shootings in four days. Where were you staying? Motel Six in downtown Detroit ? :hihi:


Next time use a reputable travel agency. Budget Getaways in Attercliffe may seem like a bargain but as the old saying goes 'Yer gets what yer pays for" :hihi:


And here's me lived in the same town for almost 40 years and only one shooting this year. Hispanic guy got a little over emotional when he suspected his missus was double dippin' :hihi:

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