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It makes me laugh that people have posted on here "I wonder what the kid did first" as if he must somehow deserve this barbaric treatment. If the kid had been beating on the cop I bet not one of you would say "I wonder what the cop did first to deserve it". Some police officers are just power hungry bullies especially over in America.

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What happened before the start of the footage? Did this teenager disrespect the police officer? Did he follow all instructions without giving attitude? We will never know.




Eye-witnesses of the brutal arrest said that a Stockton police officer told the teenager to sit down, but had not explained why. The officer never told the teen he was being detained or arrested, so the teen continued walking towards the bus he was trying to catch.


Edgar Avendaño, the witness who recorded the video, said the officer grabbed the teen by the arm. The teen “took off the cop’s hand off his arm” with his own hand, much the same as anyone would when being grabbed randomly. The teen was at no time violent with the officer.


Police Admit California Cops Beat and Arrested Teen For Jaywalking That ‘Isn’t Even A Misdemeanor’


Now the question is, are the police meant to be public servants or their masters?


If the former, we have a democracy, if the latter, some kind quasi-police state seems to prevail.


Did he follow all instructions without giving attitude?


Seig heil!

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Number of police killed 2015 to date: 94 Various causes

91 male, 3 female


26 alone due to gunfire


I suppose it might make some sense if you compare the police force of a country 2,500 miles east to west, 1,700 miles north to south with a population of 300 million to that of a national police force of a country not much bigger in size than that of the State of Vermont :D

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Number of police killed 2015 to date: 94 Various causes

91 male, 3 female


26 alone due to gunfire


I suppose it might make some sense if you compare the police force of a country 2,500 miles east to west, 1,700 miles north to south with a population of 300 million to that of a national police force of a country not much bigger in size than that of the State of Vermont :D



number of policemen killed in this video, 0

number of children punched in the face, 1

number of children hit with a weapon, 1


number of good deeds performed by chinas police force today, 4652.

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Why is it that when these incidents are recorded it's ALWAYS after the confrontation first started?

...maybe because people don't go around filming everyone, waiting for something to happen.

The cop's body cam should have caught what happened, strange how that footage hasn't been released.


The police said that the kid didn't respond to an officer telling him to move. They didn't say he resisted or behaved violently, just that he didn't respond. For this he received a fairly serious assault by NINE cops.


Jaywalking isn't even a misdemeanor in California.


The cop in this case appears to be black himself.
I'd say he looks more oriental (Asian, in America) or possibly hispanic. I don't see how the cop's ethnicity makes it any better though.

The young kid deserves some sympathy but like so many of his kind he's more the victim of bad parenting than anything else.
****ing hell! Harley the psychic social worker!

Which spirits are you channelling to receive such information?

...or are you just jumping to massive conclusions whilst attempting to shift the blame?


If the adult woman in the background, (presumably a local parent herself) continually yelling profanity is anything to go by the kid and others like him have already got two strikes against them
rinse and repeat previous comment of mine, see above


It's well past the time when all cops should be equipped with body cams

The cop DID have a body cam, while he was assaulting the kid he managed to conveniently dislodge it. You'd have thought the body cam would have caught what happened before the assault though (see top of this post).


---------- Post added 22-09-2015 at 08:37 ----------


Number of police killed 2015 to date: 94 Various causes

91 male, 3 female


26 alone due to gunfire


I suppose it might make some sense if you compare the police force of a country 2,500 miles east to west, 1,700 miles north to south with a population of 300 million to that of a national police force of a country not much bigger in size than that of the State of Vermont :D


What on Earth does that have to do with this thread?

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Suppose he did disrespect the officer (not saying he did) do feel that justified his treatment?


To be honest, its hard to say. We have a very different culture regarding police. Its even different on the continent. I think we have a more personal relationship with our police force that most other countries.


Did the guy refuse to cooperate with a search? Had he threatened the officer? Had he been acting suspicious?


American police are much more twitchy for good reason. Every month at least one police officer is shot and killed in the USA.

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