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Arent you glad you live in a place where..


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you dont get smacked up side the head for jaywalking?

More police brutality yet again perpetrated against the weaker in society.


I was smacked in the head when I was a kid in Sheffield by one of your wonderful British Bobbies many long years ago so hard that I was unconscious for a while. My terrible crime? I climbed over a garden wall in Nether Edge to steal a couple of apples, and was caught red handed when I climbed out. No photos from people like you, no sympathy from the cop who said I deserved it. No word from you about the decent cops who help out people, none about the many who died on 9/11, no, to you they are all thugs in a country you hate with as much passion as I and most other citizens love it. Be a 'subject' if you want but don't paint it purer than it really is. Edited by buck
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I was smacked in the head when I was a kid in Sheffield by one of your wonderful British Bobbies many long years ago so hard that I was unconscious for a while. My terrible crime? I climbed over a garden wall in Nether Edge to steal a couple of apples, and was caught red handed when I climbed out. No photos from people like you, no sympathy from the cop who said I deserved it. No word from you about the decent cops who help out people, none about the many who died on 9/11, no, to you they are all thugs in a country you hate with as much passion as I and most other citizens love it. Be a 'subject' if you want but don't paint it purer than it really is.


Thats some rootin tootin high falootin assumptions youve made there. It was rather entertaining if im honest :)

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I have some memories of my own about the British Gendemerie.


Stopped by an officious twit of a foot constable in the small Sussex town I was living in back then because he had some problem about my riding a motorbike around the town centre "too much" Got an apology from the police station senior officer on that one.


Stopped in broad daylight by two plainclothes coppers outside Woolwich railway station while on my way to the Artillery depot just up the hill after a weekend leave pass. No explanation given for searching the hand grip I was carrying. No apology given either


Later in Singapore arrested by the Military Police for being out of bounds, taken to the MP Post and after giving a bit of lip fueled by too much of the local beer got a punch in the chest and in the face. Hauled up next day before the unit adjutant the lying SOB of an MP backed up by another MP claimed I resisted arrest and had to be "restrained" Naturally the Major believed every word they said. Got 5 days CB for that.


Never had a scrap of trouble with our police here. Got stopped a couple of times by the Highway Patrol for speeding, given a citation and I deserved it on both occasions.


The only time you would have a problem is if you disobey a police officer if stopped. That would also apply in the UK. Maybe it's time the knuckleheads who want a confrontation started learning that


---------- Post added 23-09-2015 at 22:01 ----------


Thats some rootin tootin high falootin assumptions youve made there. It was rather entertaining if im honest :)


You mean that no police officer in the UK would ever use unwarranted physical force? :rolleyes::hihi: What paragons of virtue they must all be. I think on my next trip over there I'll urinate on a police car and strangle his police dog just to see what happens

Edited by Harleyman
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I was smacked in the head when I was a kid in Sheffield by one of your wonderful British Bobbies many long years ago so hard that I was unconscious for a while.


You mean you weren't British then?


My terrible crime? I climbed over a garden wall in Nether Edge to steal a couple of apples, and was caught red handed when I climbed out. No photos from people like you,


That makes absolutely no sense. being as old as you are most on here probably weren't born.


Be a 'subject' if you want but don't paint it purer than it really is.


Yeah, go for the throat with a derogatory condescending put down..pretty rich from a man who joined the armed forces. You couldn't have been more of a "subject" if you tried. Not only were you a "subject", you reinforced it. Be careful the next time you cast aspersions.


---------- Post added 24-09-2015 at 01:21 ----------


I think on my next trip over there I'll urinate on a police car and strangle his police dog just to see what happens


Try that in California....please.


---------- Post added 24-09-2015 at 01:26 ----------


I have some memories of my own


Bless, and all these years later, there's us thinking you were a tough guy.

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You mean you weren't British then?




That makes absolutely no sense. being as old as you are most on here probably weren't born.




Yeah, go for the throat with a derogatory condescending put down..pretty rich from a man who joined the armed forces. You couldn't have been more of a "subject" if you tried. Not only were you a "subject", you reinforced it. Be careful the next time you cast aspersions.


---------- Post added 24-09-2015 at 01:21 ----------



Try that in California....please.


---------- Post added 24-09-2015 at 01:26 ----------



Bless, and all these years later, there's us thinking you were a tough guy.


No chance. I'm coming to Sheffield to do it. My misbehavior will give em a break from dispersing crowds of binge drinking 18 years olds tossing up the evening's liquid cheer at closing time on Saturday night :D


I am a tough guy but smart enough not to get into a confrontational situation with an officer of the law. I leave that to the less learned and less smart among us :D

Edited by Harleyman
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No chance. I'm coming to Sheffield to do it. My misbehavior will give em a break from dispersing crowds of binge drinking 18 years olds tossing up the evening's liquid cheer at closing time on Saturday night :D


I am a tough guy but smart enough not to get into a confrontational situation with an officer of the law. I leave that to the less learned and less smart among us :D




just trump if you love Trump

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I was smacked in the head when I was a kid in Sheffield by one of your wonderful British Bobbies many long years ago so hard that I was unconscious for a while.


....none about the many who died on 9/11......


How anyone has managed to jump from stealing apples to 9/11 in one go is perverted genius. You can't have two more different crimes.


Next - the direct link between illegal parking and the Holocaust.

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What happened before the start of the footage? Did this teenager disrespect the police officer? Did he follow all instructions without giving attitude? We will never know.


Disrespect and attitude being well known crimes which allow for the police to immediately assault you. :loopy:


---------- Post added 24-09-2015 at 08:36 ----------


How many law-abiding people are shot by police in the US?


Far too many. Have you not been keeping up with current events?


---------- Post added 24-09-2015 at 08:36 ----------


This is the point I was getting at, which no one understood (fair enough).


The people who are shot by police usually seem to either have a violent criminal past, be resisting arrest/wrestling the gun out of an officer's hand or armed. This is very quickly buried under the media reports of how "He was a good boy, went to church every week, never hurt no one".


It's another facet of white-guilt which causes everyone to irrationally assume that the US police are somehow programmed to hunt down minorities and murder them in the streets.


I'm not suggesting that the police aren't often at fault - but the media paints them as some sort of Disney bad guys. Ask the average person in the street about Rodney King and they'll probably tell you he was just some law-abiding citizen pulled out of his car for a regulation beating.


This isn't true at all.

Several black people with no criminal record have been shot and/or died in police custody recently.

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Several black people with no criminal record have been shot and/or died in police custody recently.


Name them. Are they the norm - are most of the cause célèbre innocent people with no criminal record (which would make my ststement untrue, with my use of the word 'usually')? Do they outweight the number of other races who die in police custody? Were the police found to be at fault in such cases?


This sounds like the sort of baseless generalisation used on social media, knee-jerk attacks on police brutality.

Edited by BarryRiley
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