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Arent you glad you live in a place where..


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There was never a thread on the forum, the subject of which could have been the dedication and bravery of those police, firefighters and others who gave their lives that day. Instead there was a thread dedicated to the subject of a 9/11 "inside job", big conspiracy garbage.


To be fair there were some on the forum who did post words of sympathy and praise for the victims and those who died in attempts to save them on that ridiculous thread. I think this thread was the masterpiece of vResistence if I remember correctly.


Lately no thread on the three Americans who successfully foiled the attempted mass shooting on a French train by a Moroccan terrorist.


I was under suspension at the time so that's my excuse


I'm not whinging or complaining about the bias shown by many on the forum on matters pertaining to the US. Everyone is entitled to an opinion



If members like yourself and Timeh choose to see everything in a negative light that's also fine. There is probably a reason behind it but I couldn't care less or give a damn.


Carry on the discussion and let opinions flourish




The thread isn't about GOOD cops doing what they're supposed and trained to do, or even giving credit for what they're supposed to do. I'm not a thief and don't break the law (intentionally) and I certainly don't require credit because of it, that just smacks of low expectations.


Nasty pieces of work seen in a negative light? Yeah, I'll go for that.


And yes, there was a thread on the 'train incident'..which garnered a lot of praise for those men involved.

Edited by cassity
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The thread isn't about GOOD cops doing what they're supposed and trained to do, or even giving credit for what they're supposed to do. I'm not a thief and don't break the law (intentionally) and I certainly don't require credit because of it, that just smacks of low expectations.


Nasty pieces of work seen in a negative light? Yeah, I'll go for that.


And yes, there was a thread on the 'train incident'..which garnered a lot of praise for those men involved.


But don't kid yourself that every cop is not paying for the actions of a few. General opinion polls now show that the police are not regarded as positively as before and many have expressed their frustration as this negative image now impacts their ability to do the job. Some believe it's better to turn a blind eye to certain infractions of the law rather than being filmed and perhaps jeopardizing their career prospects.


A complete screw up

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Normally I'd agree, but if you ask me to prove that the sky is blue I'll also tell you that it's common knowledge.


---------- Post added 24-09-2015 at 15:08 ----------



In this country there is no such thing. It's a law that was created under the pressure of vehicle manufacturers in the US and it shouldn't exist, and fortunately doesn't in the UK.


So it's ok to walk out in front of a vehicle then ?

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But don't kid yourself that every cop is not paying for the actions of a few. General opinion polls now show that the police are not regarded as positively as before and many have expressed their frustration as this negative image now impacts their ability to do the job. Some believe it's better to turn a blind eye to certain infractions of the law rather than being filmed and perhaps jeopardizing their career prospects.


A complete screw up

Why would they worry about being filmed?

How can a video showing cops doing their jobs jeopardise their career prospects?


If they're doing there job correctly it shouldn't make a difference. Even better, if they do their job well then a video would serve as a showcase and improve their career prospects.


Do the police you speak of not trust their own temper and competence?

Edited by RootsBooster
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Why would they worry about being filmed?

How can a video showing cops doing their jobs jeopardise their career prospects?


If they're doing there job correctly it shouldn't make a difference. Even better, if they do their job well then a video would serve as a showcase and improve their career prospects.


Do the police you speak of not trust their own temper and competence?


In normal situations they wouldn't be worried about being filmed but if a person becomes confrontational and that can happen that changes the whole situation. Verbal abuse by a suspect is not a cause for a police officer to get physical. Disobeying a request to get out of the car, refusing to be searched, physically resisting handcuffing is a cause for the police officer to apply force.


Then that comes to the situation where someone passing by sees what's going on, films it then sends it to a local news station. especially if the suspect is a black or homeless person


We then see it on the evening news. "oh look they've been brutalizing another black person" but don't rely on the news station to get it all into perspective, they're just there to sensationalize, keep viewers from switching to another channel and who gives a rats ass what happened before the filming sequence began. It's all about sponsors and viewer number ratings

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Now a Black man in a wheelchair is shot dead by trigger happy officers= http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/police-delaware-fatally-shoot-man-wheelchair-34002499


So you have already taken the view that he didn't pull a gun and that's because his mother claims he didn't ?


The video if it exists will prove it one way or the other

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In normal situations they wouldn't be worried about being filmed but if a person becomes confrontational and that can happen that changes the whole situation. Verbal abuse by a suspect is not a cause for a police officer to get physical. Disobeying a request to get out of the car, refusing to be searched, physically resisting handcuffing is a cause for the police officer to apply force.


Then that comes to the situation where someone passing by sees what's going on, films it then sends it to a local news station. especially if the suspect is a black or homeless person


We then see it on the evening news. "oh look they've been brutalizing another black person" but don't rely on the news station to get it all into perspective, they're just there to sensationalize, keep viewers from switching to another channel and who gives a rats ass what happened before the filming sequence began. It's all about sponsors and viewer number ratings


Officers using reasonable or appropriate force aren't the issue. Those videos don't make the headlines precisely because those officers are doing what they're supposed to do.


The videos that make the news are the ones where excessive force, beating or shootings occur when they're entirely unnecessary.


-Videos where unarmed suspects are shot, who pose no immediate threat

-Videos where the suspect has already been subdue and is then beaten by cops

-Videos where unarmed suspects are running away and are shot in the back

-Videos where police rush in to a situation without assessing it and kill an innocent person



There's no reason any cop good at their job should fear being filmed.


---------- Post added 25-09-2015 at 09:33 ----------


So you have already taken the view that he didn't pull a gun and that's because his mother claims he didn't ?


You don't seem to have a problem when it's you jumping to conclusions, why be against others doing it?

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