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Kenneth Noye - What do you have to do to be locked up?

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I heard the terrified mother of Stephen Cameron, Noye's victim, on the radio today.

Kenneth Noye is a thoroughly bad lot and a career criminal. The parole board is recommending his move to an open prison. The man is an evil nightmare. The witness in the case has had to go into hiding.




My question is, what does scum like this have to do to be locked up for good. I mean he was out on license from the Brinks Mat Robbery conviction when he murdered Mr Cameron. Dangerous nasty piece of work, with underworld connections.

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Blimey it doesn't seem like 2 minutes since that Noye was headline news.

Obviously I don't have all the information available to the parole board, but given the severity of his crime, and that he also committed a serious offence prior to the murder Stephen Cameron, Noye wouldn't be the top of my list for inmates to be released.

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I will be very surprised if he gets an open prison/subsequent day release-usually career criminals like Noye are hated/despised by the Met.


The guy killed someone and should serve life.


No doubt he has millions stashed away from his criminal career-should never get the opportunity to enjoy it in his late years.

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