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A thousand dead Muslim pilgrims

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The same thing happens every year and people keep flocking there to do it. People who go to the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona are widely ridiculed when they get gored or trampled by the bulls. I don't see this as being any different. To show sympathy is evidence of the racism of low expections.


It is one of the core rules of Islam that if you're healthy enough and fit enough you have to attend the Hajj at least once in your life, you cannot compare it with the Running of the Bulls.

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Yes you can. It's a choice. Islamists are just as capable of using good judgment as you or I, or the people that go to the Running of the Bulls are.


So you think that Muslims can pick and choose what mandatory rules that they can follow? My point being, if a Muslim decided not to follow their mediatory rules, wouldn't that mean that they're not a Muslim?


Don't underestimate the appeal of heaven to a true believer.

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