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So who has been the worst manager in Sheffield

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There has got to be a few for this.....But Steve Burkinshaw....Peter Eustace ...And .. Danny Wilson......and for United.......who took them to the fourth division....Martin Peters...but he only had the last few games.

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There has got to be a few for this.....But Steve Burkinshaw....Peter Eustace ...And .. Danny Wilson......and for United.......who took them to the fourth division....Martin Peters...but he only had the last few games.


Jimmy Sirrell for the Blades in the 70's was a dreadful manager.

David Pleat and Sturrock for piggies , Its funny seeing grunters slagging off NW when all hes done is take the Blades to a couple of cup semi finals and a play-off final :thumbsup: and Sturrock has done exactly what ? got you 4th the bottom and struggling and you lot call him King Sturrock :huh:


Regards CB



p.s. cue the old " we've had so many injuries this season" argument

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Well i'm not old enough to go far back but i recall Peter Eustace not being up to much so he would get my vote. I think we've had some very average managers as stated by simonj and although Danny Wilson and Chris Turner didn't do much good for some reason i still like those two guys.

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For me it has to be Trevor Francis..... he never spent well... the team he had was the team Big Ron left, he broke it up too soon... killed wednesday and the club.... and so did Dave Richards but thats another thread... Peter Eustace was a mistake.. Chris Turner didnt have long enough at the job for, me.. he should have been given more time.... and as for Sturrock..?:suspect: im no fan...yet? (although cardiff was a grand day out) Danny Wilson did ok at Barnsley but that was Barsnley not hillsborough he did naff all for us... And as for PJ at wigan.... hes another one who did well at Bradford so wednesday went in and grabbed him... and didnt give him a chance..... now look at wigan! One thing i like about united is (Im gonna be sick sayin this) Mr W he has had, the time and backing to build a good team... no quick fix, just commitment and dedication he said no when those from the prem wanted him... he's stayed to finnish the job with utd and get them to the prem... top man!:thumbsup:

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Jimmy Sirrell for the Blades in the 70's was a dreadful manager.

Its funny seeing grunters slagging off NW when all hes done is take the Blades to a couple of cup semi finals and a play-off final :thumbsup: and Sturrock has done exactly what ? got you 4th the bottom and struggling and you lot call him King Sturrock :huh:


Regards CB


WHAT YOU CHEEKY GIT....funny seeing wednesday slag off NW.....you lot have done more that your share.....Even this season united fans have slagged warnock rotten.....Even in Neils Christmas show he said he had no problem with wednesday fans.....it was his own that gave him his problems.

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Jimmy Sirrell for the Blades in the 70's was a dreadful manager.

David Pleat and

Sturrock for piggies
, Its funny seeing grunters slagging off NW when all hes done is take the Blades to a couple of cup semi finals and a play-off final :thumbsup: and Sturrock has done exactly what ? got you 4th the bottom and struggling and you lot call him
King Sturrock


Regards CB



p.s. cue the old " we've had so many injuries this season" argument


You are indeed the most stupid poster on local football that this Forum has so far experienced.


Quantify how PS who against all the odds managed to get us promoted and has most likely kept us in this division can be one of our worst managers.


If ever I need a brain transplant yours comes to mind as hardly ever used.

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