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Parking on Broken yellow lines/ wrong ticket issued

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Oh, your pretty <REMOVED> then, you'll just have to pay it. DO NOT ignore it, after the fine reaches £105 and you do nothing, the debt will be referred to Marston's debt recovery who will arrive on your doorstep with a warrant demanding around 350 - 400 pounds, even if you refuse them entry, they can remove your vehicle (providing it is registered to you). They will not let up until they get the money, or goods to cover the costs !!


They won't get a warrant without first taking you to court, at which point with the evidence the OP has a judge will dismiss the case.

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there are traffic people on this forum who will tell you to pay it of course, their sordid livelihoods depend on frightening the vulnerable and robbing the workers who stand to lose wages IF they have to attend a tribunal. if the council had to pay costs to everyone who won their appeal, they would be more positive about when they issued tickets.


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To OP, you knew or had a good idea that it was a yellow line unless that was the first time you had ever parked there and it sounds like you were on a mission from the comment about maintaining the roads. If you think a yellow line needed repainting you should have rung Amey. Likelihood is you thought you'd chance it even though you knew so your best bet is to hold your hands up. pay up and put it down to experience. You won't win and it will cost you more in the end

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As per Kidley's suggestion, head for THIS FORUM on Pepipoo, register with them and post up scanned copies of both sides of the tickets and any other correspondence.

Make sure you anonymise them first by blanking out anything referring to your own personal details, registration, case numbers etc.

You will likely receive help from genuine experts in the field.

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To OP, you knew or had a good idea that it was a yellow line unless that was the first time you had ever parked there and it sounds like you were on a mission from the comment about maintaining the roads. If you think a yellow line needed repainting you should have rung Amey. Likelihood is you thought you'd chance it even though you knew so your best bet is to hold your hands up. pay up and put it down to experience. You won't win and it will cost you more in the end


a stamp and an envelope perhaps?

if the council paid more attention to maintaining road markings instead of chopping down trees or installing bus lanes and cameras, then road users would be in no doubt. one cannot help feeling that the neglect is deliberate and intended to ensnare the unwary.

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If ever in Doubt in road markings or notices, always play safe even if you have to walk some distance to find a suitable place then you will have peace of mind when returning to your motor, remember its a waste of time arguing with a traffic warden, its a well known fact that the Wardens have a full frontal labotomy on leaving, One flew over the cuckoos nest Training school.:hihi:


It's a well known fact that SF posters ridiculing the intelligence of others should spend a bit more time proof reading their own posts, removing the random capitals, and correcting the poor spelling.

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there are traffic people on this forum who will tell you to pay it of course, their sordid livelihoods depend on frightening the vulnerable and robbing the workers who stand to lose wages IF they have to attend a tribunal. if the council had to pay costs to everyone who won their appeal, they would be more positive about when they issued tickets.



If you knew anything about what you are talking about, you would know that you don't have to attend a Traffic Penalty Tribunal hearing in person. You can send a written submission or choose to have a telephone hearing.

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It's a well known fact that SF posters ridiculing the intelligence of others should spend a bit more time proof reading their own posts, removing the random capitals, and correcting the poor spelling.


Quick! call the Spelling Police. Anyhow whats up have I hit a nerve, or maybe the truth hurts, or maybe your a traffic warden.:gag:

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