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Parking on Broken yellow lines/ wrong ticket issued

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If pictures were taken whilst car is in situ. Surely all will be ok?


Firstly, the Council's enforcement officers don't issue a penalty unless they believe the restriction is correctly signed / lined and is enforceable and secondly they will have taken their own photos.

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I was wondering that, as someone working for the Parking service can hardly be classed as reasonable, as their main reason to exist is to bring in as much cash as possible through fines...


Parking Services have a separate appeals team who are not part of the enforcement setup. Believe it or not, they do try to be fair within the regulations and they do allow a lot of appeals. They deal with the first two stages of the appeals process. If they feel CEO's are enforcing on something they shouldn't, feedback is given to the enforcement team which they take on board. The CEO's have a handbook which has guidance on many issues and covers things like when a yellow line is and is not enforceable. If Parking Services report a worn line to Amey, it's usually repainted within a few days.


The third stage of the appeals process is head by an independent adjudicator from the Traffic Penalty Tribunal. Using the evidence supplied by both sides, they would base their judgement on what they feel a reasonable person should have noted from the lines visible on site.


The majority of Parking Services income is not from fines, it's pay and display income.

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I do hope you right about the "fair" I was recently given a ticket which I am appealing, I was "loading " parked on. A pavement down Hillsborough on a Sunday, within 30 seconds I was issued a ticket! I think the warden was fully aware I was there , was within 10 yards of car! How ever I was shown a very small sign saying I could not park there (around 12 ft up a lamppost) I accept they have a difficult job, but I found this" person" most unreasonable, I did ask him where I could load , his advice seemed far more illegal, and dangerous! In which I checked on later and found out , having took his advice, he would have clearly been able to ticket me again!(sadly I had been told previously some months before by one of his colleagues I could load where I was sadly I should have kept his number /details) The signs may be new? The business owner who has been there 3 years was completely unaware of them,,Again I accept a difficult job and a job that needs to be done, but a job that should be done with good manners humidity, and respect, I do hope I made the wardens day, in the way I responded to him, think he did kind of feel a bit sneaky and guilty,

Maybe next time he will give a bit of goodwill, Maybe next time, I might choose to deal with him in the manner of several passers by ! Sadly on this occasion I think there response to his manner and respectfully how he went about his job was far more fitting! Will let you know how my appeal goes! On my first parking ticket in 32 years, please note the pavement I parked on was 3 cars wide, i.e. I don't want anyone to think I was posing a danger to pedestrians or blocking there way, the reason I parked there is because it didn't block pedestrians, motorists, trams, buses etc , i.e. it was a" reasonable "place to park not dangerous, but clearly now against the law, I was not aware of the poorly placed signs,


---------- Post added 21-08-2016 at 11:01 ----------


I do hope you right about the "fair" I was recently given a ticket which I am appealing, I was "loading " parked on. A pavement down Hillsborough on a Sunday, within 30 seconds I was issued a ticket! I think the warden was fully aware I was there , was within 10 yards of car! How ever I was shown a very small sign saying I could not park there (around 12 ft up a lamppost) I accept they have a difficult job, but I found this" person" most unreasonable, I did ask him where I could load , his advice seemed far more illegal, and dangerous! In which I checked on later and found out , having took his advice, he would have clearly been able to ticket me again!(sadly I had been told previously some months before by one of his colleagues I could load where I was sadly I should have kept his number /details) The signs may be new? The business owner who has been there 3 years was completely unaware of them,,Again I accept a difficult job and a job that needs to be done, but a job that should be done with good manners humidity, and respect, I do hope I made the wardens day, in the way I responded to him, think he did kind of feel a bit sneaky and guilty,

Maybe next time he will give a bit of goodwill, Maybe next time, I might choose to deal with him in the manner of several passers by ! Sadly on this occasion I think there response to his manner and respectfully how he went about his job was far more fitting! Will let you know how my appeal goes! On my first parking ticket in 32 years, please note the pavement I parked on was 3 cars wide, i.e. I don't want anyone to think I was posing a danger to pedestrians or blocking there way, the reason I parked there is because it didn't block pedestrians, motorists, trams, buses etc , i.e. it was a" reasonable "place to park not dangerous, but clearly now against the law, I was not aware of the poorly placed signs,

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Parking Services have a separate appeals team who are not part of the enforcement setup. Believe it or not, they do try to be fair within the regulations and they do allow a lot of appeals. They deal with the first two stages of the appeals process. If they feel CEO's are enforcing on something they shouldn't, feedback is given to the enforcement team which they take on board. The CEO's have a handbook which has guidance on many issues and covers things like when a yellow line is and is not enforceable. If Parking Services report a worn line to Amey, it's usually repainted within a few days.


The third stage of the appeals process is head by an independent adjudicator from the Traffic Penalty Tribunal. Using the evidence supplied by both sides, they would base their judgement on what they feel a reasonable person should have noted from the lines visible on site.


The majority of Parking Services income is not from fines, it's pay and display income.


Any chance of getting the relevant portion of the handbook posted up? Surely that would help settle peoples perception of the way they ticket for this offence.


Also if the op put the picture up we could all pass a reasoned armchair judgement.

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For anyone with a passing interest in this topic: Enter 'faded double yellow lines' in

your favourite search engine or click the following link: (Very amusing!)





Anyone wanting to read the latest 'Traffic Sign Regulations (2016)' click the following link:



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I do hope you right about the "fair" I was recently given a ticket which I am appealing, I was "loading " parked on. A pavement down Hillsborough on a Sunday, within 30 seconds I was issued a ticket! I think the warden was fully aware I was there , was within 10 yards of car! How ever I was shown a very small sign saying I could not park there (around 12 ft up a lamppost) I accept they have a difficult job, but I found this" person" most unreasonable, I did ask him where I could load , his advice seemed far more illegal, and dangerous! In which I checked on later and found out , having took his advice, he would have clearly been able to ticket me again!(sadly I had been told previously some months before by one of his colleagues I could load where I was sadly I should have kept his number /details) The signs may be new? The business owner who has been there 3 years was completely unaware of them,,Again I accept a difficult job and a job that needs to be done, but a job that should be done with good manners humidity, and respect, I do hope I made the wardens day, in the way I responded to him, think he did kind of feel a bit sneaky and guilty,

Maybe next time he will give a bit of goodwill, Maybe next time, I might choose to deal with him in the manner of several passers by ! Sadly on this occasion I think there response to his manner and respectfully how he went about his job was far more fitting! Will let you know how my appeal goes! On my first parking ticket in 32 years, please note the pavement I parked on was 3 cars wide, i.e. I don't want anyone to think I was posing a danger to pedestrians or blocking there way, the reason I parked there is because it didn't block pedestrians, motorists, trams, buses etc , i.e. it was a" reasonable "place to park not dangerous, but clearly now against the law, I was not aware of the poorly placed signs,


As an experienced motorist who has read and understood the Highway Code, you should know that you shouldn't park on the footway at all unless it's explicitly permitted:


The Highway Code rule 244 says “You MUST NOT park partially or wholly on the pavement in London, and should not do so elsewhere unless signs permit it. Parking on the pavement can obstruct and seriously inconvenience pedestrians, people in wheelchairs or with visual impairments and people with prams or pushchairs”.


Many waiting restrictions, like double or single yellow lines or clearways apply to the whole of the highway (and sometimes beyond). That means they apply to footways and verges.


You haven't said where exactly you were parked or specified the restriction you contravened, so it's difficult to comment, but, some restrictions, like clearways, mean you get an instant ticket if you stop. There is no grace period or observation period.


The signs used for any restriction are those prescribed by the government signing regulations, which local authorities must follow. The government specify all aspects of the sign, including size, text, colour and mounting height. They are mounted at that height to ensure you don't hit your head on them!


If you have a complaint about the conduct of the CEO, you can make it through the council's formal complaints procedure. Here's the link: https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/your-city-council/how-to-contact-us/complaint.html If you want to do it on line, click the link on the page for "Complain online about any other service". It will be investigated by a manager and you can ask a more senior manager to review it if you are still dissatisfied with the outcome.

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A lot of silly answers and a lot of constructive answers...to those saying yellow lines are yellow lines you are wrong and this much i have learned and when i emailed Sheffield council to demonstrate through images a faded legal line and a faded non legal line they refuse to answer or ignore the email why? because they will not respond impartially if they know you have a case against them as they search your email address prior to a response and then respond if they can even be bothered which i think is wrong as a email address can belong to a business or group user not a individual.


Sheffield City council operator Ellie looked at my photo and agreed that it wasn't substantial but she said and i quote they will still argue it. this also said outside bramwell lane there are double yellows on john street with no closure on the end hence non conforming!! free football parking!! and outside there very own office on the moor in the HMRC building there are equally faded double yellow lines that run into a official pay and display bay and directly on the corner entrance to the hotel loading area!! so do 2 wrongs make a right? one idiot I noticed posted with reference to a drunk person but then know the facts before making a statement so ridiculous as its people like this who suffer and bow to poor regulations making fat cats fatter. I have a friend in London who is a active traffic warden who to tells me that the PCN should not be upheld and is aiding my case. so any more comparisons would be appreciated...clever dicks please just observe :)

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