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UK Forces uniform not allowed in A & E

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Get your wife to sort us the link out then.


There are quite a few sites on google claiming this but how reliable they are I wouldn't know.I read The Sun this morning in a café and there was nothing in that about it.I don't normally read The Sun but all the other papers were already being read.Its quite difficult to find a newspaper that isn't biased to the left or right.If anybody knows a newspaper that tells the truth without being biased let me know what its called.Thanks.

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Your evidence for this is what?


We have just had it on. I have no idea how to attach a link to here because neither of us has ever done it but it's on the Daily Mail site and its on the browser as tundratabolids.com 2015/09-german-women-told-to-cover-up


---------- Post added 27-09-2015 at 22:16 ----------


Apparently, if you read something stupid online, it is possible to cultivate the stupidity by repeating it on other online sources. You don't even need sources for it!


It was the Daily Mail.l didn't see it. That's why I said apparently,but if you are saying that the Daily Mail is stupid then that could possibly be debated. I won't read the Mail, but I assume it's the German government that's said it.

Edited by spilldig
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Well said,it does not say that a uniformed services member caused the previous altercation.Anything Mel says can be taken with a pinch of salt,i cannot take him seriously anymore after he admitted he sponged off society for eighteen years because he couldn't be bothered to get a job.I will bring this up every time you stick your moral oar in Mel.


Very true :thumbsup:

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Possibly blown out of proportion?

A week ago emergency accommodation for 200 Syrian refugees was erected right next to the gym of Wilhelm-Diess-Gymnasium in Pocking, Bavaria, Die Welt reports.

The gym has been closed as a result, and PE lessons have been relocated to a nearby primary school, but the school is still worried about the refugees interacting with students.

So worried in fact that the headteacher recently sent out a letter to parents to give reassurance about extra security measures.


"For the refugees, access to the school gardens and buildings is strictly forbidden. The same goes for the school grounds during the day. The number of teachers on duty during breaks has been increased," read the letter from headteacher Martin Thalhammer.


The letter goes on to give students instructions on how to deal with the situation:


"The Syrian citizens are mainly Muslims and speak Arabic. The refugees are marked by their own culture. Because our school is directly next to where they are staying, modest clothing should be adhered to, in order to avoid discrepancies. Revealing tops or blouses, short shorts or miniskirts could lead to misunderstandings."


The letter has not been met favorably by some parents, but a local politician, who did not want to be named, told Die Welt the move was "absolutely necessary".


"When Muslim teenage boys go to open air swimming pools, they are overwhelmed when they see girls in bikinis," he said.

"These boys, who come from a culture where for women it is frowned upon to show naked skin, follow girls and bother them without realizing. Obviously this is concerning for us," he continued.


The move by the school has caused a lot of discussion, and Thalhammer has received queries from all over the media, reports the Passauer Neue Presse.


"There have never been uniform rules at this school and there never will be." He said.

"It is my duty to look after the children. Therefore I wanted to inform everyone about what is going on at school and what the gym is being used for."

"It was my responsibility to remind everyone that two cultures are coming together here," he continued."




German source for the above:


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In the states soldiers in uniform get stopped in the street and thanked, get drinks bought for them in bars, dinner paid for in diners. Here they get kicked out of hospitals, or asked to change into civvies for fear of upsetting "some people".


so join up then.


Who knows, people might start respecting you

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