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Glen Howe Park damage.

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We often walk our dogs all the way around Glen Howe Park and have done for the last 20 years. Over the last few weeks, the farmer who owns the fields at the very top of the park has been destroying the trees and vegetation in what looks like an attempt to build a path from one side of the top of the park to the other side. Dry stone walls have been removed, drainage pipes from the field are draining into the pond, trees uprooted and also thrown into the pond. The whole area has been destroyed. It has been reported to the council by several other walkers, but as yet no reply. The park was a gift to the people of Sheffield, so I would have assumed that the work is illegal, but Has anyone else seen this destruction and know anymore???

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Is this destruction on land that the farmer owns or the Council?


If it is the farmer's land I presume he can do what he wants with it unless any of the trees have a preservation order.


If the land being worked on is legally part of the park then yes, I agree, it is wrong and maybe illegal


The farmer may need an agricultural permit for discharging waste into the pond - see https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-environment-food-rural-affairs/services-information

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I often used to visit Glen Howe both as a dogwalker and Park Ranger leading fungi forays. My understanding is that the land at the top end is not technically part of the park and belongs to the farmer. I remember seeing bags of fertilizer and other detritus dumped in the top pond many moons ago.


Farmers. Stewards of the countryside. Don't you just love ' em?

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Thanks taxman.

I have been trying to find a map online with the actual boundaries of Glen Howe but can't find an accurate one. Any ideas where I might find one?

even if its not in Glen Howe, it is such a shame as that area has been really spoilt.


Have a look HERE

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Thanks peak4.

My son has spoken to the council this morning and they are going to check if the damage has been done within the boundary, but looking at the map, it appears outside of it.

Such a shame regardless as the farmer has done so much damage to the pond and vegetation.


---------- Post added 29-09-2015 at 22:12 ----------


Well my son has spoken to the council and apparently the land is outside the boundaries of Glen Howe Park so there isn't anything any one can do about the damage to natural habitat / environment.


Flipping shame!

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