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Ant-gentrification protest at the Cereal Killer cafe

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So the scumbags have targetted tourism now.


So they dont want businesses to come to the area. They dont want tourists so they want to live in a slum.




class war is jealousy pure and simple, fed by the entitlement culture that was born under labour :loopy:.

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I am of the opinion that London should become an independent city state. It is no longer an English or British city in any meaningful sense of the world, it has more in common with New York, Singapore or Hong Kong than it does with any other part of the UK. I think it would benefit both London and the rest of the UK if this was to happen.

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class war is jealousy pure and simple, fed by the entitlement culture that was born under labour :loopy:.


That's simply not true.


Class War formed four years into Thatcher's rule: it was 14 years until the next Labour government came along and, given that the aims and objectives of Class War are far-left - anarchist even, their members are unlikely to have been sympathetic towards the Labour party under Tony Blair.


Don't just take my word for it. This is from Class War's website:


  • "We see no difference between any of the parties – we oppose Tristram Hunt with the same venom we hate Zac Goldsmith. . We don’t want to kick the tories out to replace them with Labour or any variety of failed Trots. We don’t want to kick them out at all – we want to kick them in!"

Edited by Rushup
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That's simply not true.


Class War formed four years into Thatcher's rule: it was 14 years until the next Labour government came along and, given that the aims and objectives of Class War are far-left - anarchist even, their members are unlikely to have been sympathetic towards the Labour party under Tony Blair.


i agree the jealously part probably started then as you say, hard workers prospered lazy ones didnt! then along came Mr Bliar and his cronies and preached that everyone could be equal and should be and everyone is entitled?!!!!:hihi::loopy: the far left thinks everyone else owes them a living and due to our stupid welfare we actually pay them to have that living!

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i agree the jealously part probably started then as you say, hard workers prospered lazy ones didnt! then along came Mr Bliar and his cronies and preached that everyone could be equal and should be and everyone is entitled?!!!!:hihi::loopy: the far left thinks everyone else owes them a living and due to our stupid welfare we actually pay them to have that living!


Osborne is at least trying to change that

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i agree the jealously part probably started then as you say, hard workers prospered lazy ones didnt! then along came Mr Bliar and his cronies and preached that everyone could be equal and should be and everyone is entitled?!!!!:hihi::loopy: the far left thinks everyone else owes them a living and due to our stupid welfare we actually pay them to have that living!


I'm struggling to believe you actually think that's true. If you do, then do you think that all hard workers prosper, that only hard workers prospered?

You think all the hard working people who lost their job deserved it?

You think benefits are stupid and that they provide a luxury lifestyle and only people on the left ever use or need them, and there only really ever provided by people on the right?


It's odd and somewhat ignorant point of view, that I'm sure you'll be glad many in positions of power saw fit not to hold. Also, you'll be glad that they saw fit to put in place benefits should you or your loved ones ever need them for whatever reason.

Of course, going on your fine worthiness and right leaning persuasion you'll never need them, and I'm sure have made ample provision to never do so.


---------- Post added 05-10-2015 at 13:52 ----------


I am of the opinion that London should become an independent city state. It is no longer an English or British city in any meaningful sense of the world, it has more in common with New York, Singapore or Hong Kong than it does with any other part of the UK. I think it would benefit both London and the rest of the UK if this was to happen.


There's something in that. But I feel you'd end up with an enclave of wealth that still sucks the marrow out of the land it's attached to.. oh wait!


I do know what your mean though, it appears to be spiralling into a strange almost make believe world of opulence and swollen property prices.

but that's just the reality of capital cities. they push up around wealth and then expand around the edge. I understand where people like gwhite, the e15 mums and 'normal poor folk' are coming from because you have a home that was made available for good reasons (slum clearance,post war building, socialalistic ideals etc) that are now being sold to the highest bidder with little or no concern for the people involved at the sharp end of the practice.

But hey capitalisms all fair right? market forces mean it's just peachy...


Boris described London as a leviathan that sucks in and breathes out.

He was almost right it sucks in,chews up and spits out

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So the scumbags have targetted tourism now.


So they dont want businesses to come to the area. They dont want tourists so they want to live in a slum.




We thought we were getting a museum that celebrated the women of the East End




The Jack the Ripper museum is an example of what happens when people come in who have got money and some influence and power and puts something in a community without consultation or knowing about that community.


No, a Jack the Ripper museum is taking advantage of an obvious attraction, just like they've done with Baker Street.

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